
I mean, Fallon routinely couldn't stop himself from laughing at 90s SNL sketches, there's just an insult-to-injury thing if even he doesn't think you're funny

Still funnier than Seinfeld's joke!

I think she's the one who tells her dad off near the end for basically throwing a tantrum over some minor mistake that Jackie made. I remembered being impressed by the guts and emotional control she showed and thinking that if she could just get away from her horrorshow parents for college, she'd probably become a

I remember that I didn't initially put together as a teenager that it was the same Billy Wilder who'd done Sunset Boulevard and Double Indemnity AND Some Like It Hot and it blew my mind when I found out. Like if David Fincher had also directed Anchorman or something.

Man, Vox Day will stack a vote for just about anything

It's really not quite as outrageous as it sounds unfortunately, just kinda dumb.

No comment here, no comment at all. We only wanted to introduce you to
one of our very special citizens, little Anthony Fremont, age 6, who
lives in a village called Peaksville in a place that used to be Ohio.
And if by some strange chance you should run across him, you had best
think only good thoughts. Anything less

HBO Then

It comes in waves, I think. It was definitely a big thing in the 30s and 40s, and for the Rat Pack in the early 60s, but you don't see it a lot through the late 60s and 70s, and it came back in the early 90s (Meg Ryan, Tom Hanks) and has faded slightly since then

Oh god, and between you and Persia's aunt there's at least two people in this world who enjoy those abominations. I gave up on jelly beans because of the recurring betrayal and horror when of trying to pick out a toasted marshmallow or french vanilla bean and getting buttered popcorn. Just no.

Thanks, that's a pretty good read.

As I recall, Oswalt basically echoed Tosh's "lol get over it" attitude during that incident. I don't see how that's similar to Branum's perspective at all.

ShitTorrent: Ride The Wave

is that part your penis?

Victarion and Euron Greyjoy

a Slimer's a ghost who thinks he's fly and is also known as a Buster

Mostly I suspect that I remember the steak as being a lot tastier than it really was, and that if I try it again now I'll recognize the weird off-ketchup flavor that the meatloaf had.

Skele-FDR could make a pretty good Oscar host. I think we've given the gig over to the living enough times, it's time to let the dead take a shot.

Yeah, I'm still holding out hope that it'll get better, but I'd rather have nothing at all than more seasons like this one.