
Even during her full downward slurring spiral, I'm pretty sure Laurel would've thought to call child services about the two homeless orphans squatting in her apartment. Barbara seems like someone who shouldn't be left alone without adult supervision.



No, I mean it. You are a smart person who definitely does not feel he has nothing to prove and no way to do it except for lashing out at strangers on the internet. We should all aspire to be more like you.

The thing that makes Young Bruce work so well is that instead of trying to go full grimdark (which would've likely fallen flat), they've moved the focus onto Bruce's compassion, curiosity, sense of justice, drive—all of the qualities that lead him to channel his grief into doing something good. It's a smart, subtle

Yes, you are clearly the smartest person to ever comment on the AV Club Gotham comments, not like all us other cretins. Congratulations.

I mean, you apparently wait around to yell at people who enjoy things, so.

I really thought/hoped the reference to gnocchi would be from Aisle.

I was thinking Ugly Americans but live-action.

“Spellcaster” literally features a scene with Katrina demonstrating her
increasingly bad-ass powers and explaining to Ichabod and Abbie how her
magical mojo is getting stronge

the only way I can make sense out of that ad is to imagine it as a subplot on The Office. like the company has to sponsor a PSA for whatever reason, and everyone is trying to tactfully talk David Brent out of going for the one about dead kids

You mean that's not what I get from Arby's?

Saying "I'm just here to avoid being fined" is speaking to them, it's just not saying what they want to hear.

The stars are down

Given how hard it is to get funding for movies that aren't shoestring-indies or billion-dollar tentpoles already tied to an existing IP, I hope this winds up being the new way to end-run around it—film a totally unrelated prestige drama about steelworkers or whatever and then add a news report about zombies on in the

Twin Cinema as a whole is just ridiculously solid, I think I went through an obsession with half the songs on that album.

mostly I'm mad that he dropped the best part, where it breaks apart at the beginning of the chorus. Fuck Sam Smith and his boring-ass dirge-y singing.

On the one hand, this guy sounds like a douchebag, but on the other hand, he isn't wrong.


the all-important "people who want to see a super-buff guy w/ no head" demo

Some people think they're always right