
mmm whatcha saaaaaaa-aaaay

Does she return to practicing law after her coven is implicated in a scandal?

I believe the technical term is "putting the dog in the bathtub": difficult, awkward, sometimes messy.

What emerges is a multifaceted memoir, and a good reminder that essay can (and should) be a verb.

okay, I'm not really sure why, but for some reason I thought that this was going to be set in the 1980s, and the Daddy Warbucks analogue was going to be a guy who made it big on the stock market while the rest of NYC was crumbling under crack and Reaganomics. I thought it was actually a fairly clever way to

Wampler Longacre means the Ralph Bakshi movie

Poor Andy. Not even allowed a death that would leave him with a normal-looking neck.

nah, it still beats "there's still good in him, Obi-Wan Ichabod", which has been about 90% of Katrina's contribution to this season.


"Professed…horny…man…Jon Hamm…thrust into…a restless, uncomprehending…lord."
—Sean O'Neal
Filed under: Visions of Utopia

Also, unlike Agents of SHIELD, it doesn't remind me I could be watching a better show.

Yeah, my main problem with it was the lack of style—the plot was pretty bland, and I was expecting some Hannibal-style creatively fucked-up shit for the demons, not just some budget-horror tar/marble eyes. Maybe I'll give the episodes Frosstbyte suggests a whirl over Thanksgiving, though.

So, has this show pulled an Agents of Shield? I watched the pilot and thought it was pretty bad, but I read somewhere recently that they significantly overhauled it post-pilot.

these $100 bills sure are sticky

"Insert existential pathos into something really stupid" isn't a terribly original joke, but this is a pretty good execution of it.

Graduated from college at 19, can confirm.

my favorite part was the little caption under the picture that just reads "Oona"

with a band?

My working theory is that Henry's apparent possible redemption are all a ploy to get Katrina to trust him and then steal her soul (nicely undermines Headless as well, since Henry's got a whole thing about wanting to be the Favorite Horseman.) It seems like something he'd do, and it's so much more satisfying than a

Okay, I admit I don't know anything about stocks, but I saw that one episode of Futurama, and couldn't this guy have claimed that he still owned the remaining 99072 shares of himself and the rest of these chumps couldn't tell him to do shit?