
Trans actors can play cis characters too, but weirdly I don't see Hollywood making that happen anytime soon…

It's uneven, though—some characters are so far along that they're going to run out of plot or be doing holding-pattern stuff (Theon), but they're still pretty far back with others:
—Arya still hasn't gotten on the boat (and the way things are going, I suspect they'll draw out her adventures with the Hound until the end

How exactly do you think homeless people get access to the Internet, with its great and crap literature, and also, you know, its bus schedules and social services forms?

I hear you about the Tolstoy thing—a lot of the writing that is important to me, on a personal level, is by/for/about middle class white guys. I think the problem is less about whether it's relevant or relatable, as that it's treated as the one thing that is universally relevant or relatable. I can relate to Russian

Does Franzen get particular flack for this? I think it's just general fatigue with how the default for what's considered "serious" or "literary" fiction tends to be highly-educated middle-aged middle-class white male authors writing about highly-educated middle-aged, middle-class white male angst. It's not really

Yeah, and what's the deal with airplane food?

"I feel like you've missed the point entirely and you know it when you start engaging in insults that are basically 'TL; DR'"

Wait, people are sitting down and eating at Chipotle? It's a damn burrito! Take that shit with you and go somewhere less depressing!

You've not been to a lot of smaller towns, I take it.

Surely it should be "Arrowhead", right?

I'm hoping we get a three-way electoral battle between Thea, Malcolm, and Tommy "GHOST MAYOR" Merlyn

Even if they were only recurring characters, the backstory could tie in with the (presumed) Laurel-as-Canary arc (Laurel investigates the LoA? Sara sneaks back to Starling to train Laurel?), sort of like how "Heir to the Dragon" centered both the present and past plots around the Lances.

That's Lord Commander Wiener to you!

Well, that's actually a case where his plans got kind of screwed (ha) up by Joffrey being a bloodthirsty shithead—the original plan, after all, was for Ned to confess and join the Night's Watch. Littlefinger probably already had a whole monologue outlined to deliver to Cat saying that he was the one who brokered the

(and she can be seen as the main character here)

I wish I could believe this—i.e., that she's more like Paris Hilton, who I think is savvy enough to recognize the absurd and obsessive in people's fascination with her, and also secure enough in herself to not give a fuck and milk it for all it's worth—but Lohan genuinely seems like someone who's never been given

It's a damn shame, because she's able to project this really potent mixture of vulnerability and intensity that would be stunning in the right movie—but she's basically uninsurable through any regular channels at this point, and likely still too unreliable/risky (or perceived as such) for most producers to be willing

Yeah, this is my main problem with the "Jaime's an unreliable narrator glossing over having raped his sister" theory—if that were the case, there'd have to be something in Cersei's chapters about it. Not even, like, a passing-mention type something either—that kind of betrayal from Jaime would be the kind of thing

A while back (pre-Tremors), people were speculating that Thea was going
to get fridged to move along the introduction of Roy as Speedy. And it
occurred to me then—and this episode reminded me—what if it's
the other way around? What if Roy is the one who dies
tragically/gets brainwashed/goes evil-crazy because of the

He's a sad little man
Not a king or god