
Same here.

Conor Oberst sues LordRegentSheltie for libel

2024 Fantastic Four reboot: starring Sean Astin as the Thing, Elijah Wood as the Invisible Woman, Billy Boyd as Mr. Fantastic and Dominic Monaghan as the Human Torch.

If Reed actually looks that douchey the whole movie, this might be good casting.

I'm pretty sure I'm not going to buy this, but at least this Newswire reminded me that Under the Pink is flawless and I should listen to it tonight.

give Arrow a shot (ha). It gets a good chunk of its DNA from the conniving-rich-people prime time soap genre.

intellectually I know James Earl Jones is going to die and probably relatively soon, but it just seems impossible.

You Were a Good Man, Charlie Brown.

Aw geez, now I just remembered that Paul Shaffer's probably mortal too.

cool story bro

What? How is it "hearsay" or "rumor-mill-y"? It's literally the second sentence on Chrysler's Wikipedia page.

cancer is a growth demographic

You like monkeys, you like ponies, maybe you don't like monsters that much. Maybe I used too many monkeys?

I only just noticed that autocorrect rounded "bougie" off to "boogie", but it's better this way.

If the spot was about people learning that song in English and that was
all they knew in the language, you'd probably have outrage from others
to, even though the message would fundimentally be the same.

I thought one of the funnier ad moments, which hasn't seen much discussion (it aired late in the game) was from one for the NFL itself (…

Grace is a twee boogie name now?

nah, but we did pick up and run with the TurboTax non sequitur—"Peyton Manning really looks like he'd rather be doing his taxes right now."

Papa Johns is a leading cause of shitting all over yourself not in the bathroom.

The stupidest part is that they already tried to do this about 5 years ago, and it ultimately didn't work because no one wants to buy their phone at fucking Radio Shack. It's even more ridiculous to try to do it again now, with the popularity of MAKE magazine and its ilk.