
Meh, I felt like the Chrysler ads were a weaker rehash of their Eastwood + Eminem ad from a few years back. And the line about cell phones—really?

You remember how about 2/3 of the way through Spider-Man 3, where the Osbournes' butler reveals that he saw the whole confrontation at the end of the previous movie, and that Harry Osbourne's whole quest to kill his best friend, which has by now already resulted in disfigurement, was all based on a misunderstanding

Yeah, with a different director, I might be cautiously optimistic, but Snyder's track record makes me suspect that he thinks Luthor needs to be a cringing nerd consumed with envy for Übermensch Jock Superman.

Earl from Fiji, surely?

I will believe this when the same kind of vitriol gets directed towards misogyny in music dominated by white dudes.

This could be the Olivicity ship manifesto (do those still exist?)

i'd settle for her hooking up with diggle and occasionally inviting oliver and/or sara when they want a third.

I thought Moira was great in the 1st season, and I kind of wondered how they were going to work her into the rest of the series post-trial. I actually thought they might kill her off, but now that they've brought Malcolm back she'll have stuff to do.

I imagined this being read in Paul Blackthorne's weird marble-mouthed TV-cop accent and nearly choked laughing.

i don't understand why i'm laughing so hard at this

The All-New All-Different SHIELD Agents get recruited to save the originals from some weird island?

Wasn't Chase in there too? I admit I was mainly interested as a way to potentially bring back Runaways in some form.

Yeah, the "magical negro" trope is specifically when the powers are relevant only in service to a white main character's storyline. If the hypothetical powers stay primarily relevant to Irving's character development, that's different.

I just woke up from the most awful dream, I made an ass of myself commenting on the AV C—
Oh god! It wasn't a dream! It wasn't a dream at all!

I'm 90% sure that this is meant as a slam on Cranston's acting abilities, but I think it's funnier interpreted as an allegation that Jane Kaczmarek cooks meth.

I came in to mention There Will Be Brawl. It kind of collapsed under the weight of its own plot towards the end, but the first half is great.

eh, Ming-Na Wen can pull off the scary implacable spy with a heart of gold, and the implied shared history between May and Coulson is the most compelling interpersonal dynamic on the show, IMO.

galaga-guy had too much charisma for that

I am fully comfortable with saying a guy who beats his girlfriend is more awful than a guy who cheats on his wife. I find nothing 'inconsistent' or 'inexplicable' about that.

To be or not to be.