
I saw a Tumblr post recently that said something like "Man, Alanna really got the marry/fuck/kill order right when it came to George, Jon and Roger," and I nearly choked laughing

I can believe that, though I've been sort of ignoring Infinity, other than Googling every few months to see if they've merged 616 and Ultimates the way they've been threatening to for years.

With Nick Frost as the Winsome Wasp.

Yeah, it's been a good year for Image, for instance, but I just looked it up and they're right on the cusp of 7% market share—which is great for a non-Big 2 company, but it just goes to show how dominant DC and Marvel are.

I don't know, both of those channels have put out some solid shows recently (Separated at Birth, Arrow). It might actually be a step-up from being on ABC

ostentatious winking

if they can make a Guardians of the Galaxy movie, they can make a Great Lakes Avengers tv show.

A Daily Bugle show could be interesting (ignoring for a moment that all of the Bugle-themed comics were kind of disappointing), but they'd probably be on shaky ground with Sony (although, didn't they work out something where the Oscorp building would be visible in the skyline of The Avengers and then it wound up being

I think a miniseries would be about perfect.


Dulé Hill can't do Psych forever (I mean, maybe he can, but I'd rather he didn't.)

"What could be more important than your family, Richard?"

I'd be down for adoption (as someone mentioned upthread) or half-siblings, but yeah, I hope that they don't make them unrelated. Sort of weird that they wouldn't be putting out a call for black actresses.

I think nearly anything that happens feeds that.

Oh wow, I just looked:
Before you get started, you'll need to create an account. There are two levels of membership: Producer and Moocher. The
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@daenku32:disqus They all laughed at me, but we'll see who has the last laugh(ing floor)!

Oh god, can you imagine how hilarious the reaction will be if Kickstarter takes it down for violating TOS?

Back in the good old days, money could be exchanged for goods and services. Now it is taken from us by the commies.

It's a wonder they still have time left over to run society.