
or more

Oh, this is going to be good.

“The movie is actually already fully funded,” the FAQ says right up
front, adding that the whole,
give-$250,000-to-a-movie-about-self-reliance campaign is really
just a marketing technique aimed at wringing negative publicity out of
those who would mock it, apparently by giving them all the ammo they
would ever need.

You know what, screw it: Yes.

oh shit, I actually kind of want to see that. It'd be so perfectly comic-booky—an over-the-top twist that's so deeply stupid that it actually goes full circle and becomes kind of brilliant.

Same here, I ducked out at about the 2/3 point in Season 1, and I'd heard a few places that S2 improved a lot. It sounds like it's gotten better at realism/not making every episode a monologue on What Aaron Sorkin Thought About This Event Two Years Ago—but honestly, those weren't the reasons I stopped watching. I

Rush Hard With a Vengeance

personally I prefer the Wes Anderson-directed sequel.

Hank Pym is probably off-limits because supposedly that Ant-Man movie will get made some day, but you could do way worse for TV-casting Pym than Jensen Ackles

…I can't figure out a way to phrase this that doesn't come off kind of rude, but I mean it quite sincerely: how old are you?

The principle of approaching minority characters with "just write them as you would any other character" is a noble one, in the sense that it's stigmatising and reductive to just focus on how a character is female/nonwhite/LGBT.

c) for situations where gender is unknown or unspecified (for example, "An applicant to this position should submit an up-to-date resume and three references who can verify eir qualifications."), since otherwise you have to do awkward things like use a gender-neutral "he" or switch every line or use singular they

"Watch out for this dude, Sansa. He's no good for you" is a pretty accurate summary of her entire storyline.

If you like YA, you'll probably like the books. They're a bit awkwardly written, which some people really dislike; I think it's at least partially intentional, given the narrator's personality and probably less-than-great education, but I can see why it'd be distracting. I switched to listening on audiobooks after the

They should just start throwing him all of the shitty action-thrillers, the same way that Tasha used to do all of the crap kid movies (okay, and a lot of the good kid movies too.)

I'm betting on her lover is her husband's illegitimate son. But yeah, come on, if the movie is terrible (and it sounds like it is), you might as well go full on and spoil it.

fuckin' harmonians

For shame, Desert Bluffs. For shame.


What’s wrong with this plotline (which I hope we never hear from again)
is that it makes Will look like a bit of a preening fool.