
well, Claire Danes wasn't snubbed, though her husband was.

yeah, I agree with what some people have said about the lyrics being kind of trite, but honestly I don't think I'd mind if the song was musically interesting at all, which it isn't.

oh shut the fuck up with the grandpa act already, people of all ages have declared for both the pro- and anti-"Everybody Hurts" camps.

hoordor? HOORDOR

Drew Barrymore, like Stephen King, was better before quitting drugs. Firestarter is not nearly as good as this would suggest.

Kirk Cameron doesn't do what Kirk Cameron does for Kirk Cameron. Kirk Cameron does what Kirk Cameron does because Kirk Cameron is an insane religious douche.

Obligatory Tilda Swinton suggestion.

wait, and you haven't tried to watch it yet?

Saga is so fucking fantastic.

"Go do some loner junk in the woods!"

You are my new favorite gimmick poster. Way funnier than that guy who just tried to rip off Cookie Monster.

Hahaha, what? Most of the people my age first got onto the Internet in school or at the library. Poor people in this day and age frequently have smartphones, because Internet access can be, depending on where you live, a better investment than a car or a landline. I mean, there are legitimate class and political

@kzap333:disqus Good point. On a less heavy-handed show, I would probably interpret it similarly, but the protagonist is so rarely portrayed as wrong (and when he is, there are basically no consequences), to the extent that I doubt it's what Sorkin is trying for.

@avclub-043a5755513643c7f4a9cd35380ec33e:disqus well, to be fair, back in the 80s and early 90s there was a fair bit of hand-wringing about how Gen X was going to turn into a bunch of serial killers because of grunge music or whatever. Now that you've all grown-up into fairly well-adjusted people, in spite of the

actually, it's incredibly fucking relevant, because we're not talking about how he's being "judged on his performance", we're talking about how the casting is racist fucking bullshit

the weird thing though, is that it doesn't look like the Boomers are going to let go of their economic and political power anytime soon.

maybe because the very definition of popcorn movie is something fun and light, not something that you're checking your watch throughout?

yeah, because after all, white American actors have a hard time getting work, or even recognition of their existence in Hollywood, on account of how all of the Comanche actors get cast as everything. and it's really, just, terribly awful how seldom white American characters are represented in television and film, and

Dumb and Dumbererest

So…this isn't the episode where it's revealed that Don Draper is actually Akio Fujikawa, a Japanese soldier who inadvertently switched bodies with Dick Whitman, then stole his outpost partner's identity?