
People were making a big deal about this since the first trailers came out, and it seems like a pretty weaksauce thing to nitpick. Do you also demand to know why and how the 40s Golden Age Superman got the idea to wear a cape?

(which is to say: it's very unlikely that the show would go as far as "Character X has been a ghost/hallucination all season!", but things occasionally get a bit trippy.)

You are watching a show, a show that not only makes heavy use of hallucinatory/dream imagery, but indeed has at least one scene that could be interpreted as a ghostly visitation. A journey into a show that has no explicit supernatural elements, but that can get kind of mindfucky anyway. Next stop, Mad Men.

So…Here Comes Honey Boo Boo is pretty much Polyester: the Series? I could deal with that.

Some video editing genius needs to stitch together a 4-hour long, core story only version when all three get released. The opposite of an extended cut. Shit, the first movie had maaaaaybe 1 hour of material that was actually critical to the plot.

Isn't that what Warner Brothers is rumored to be trying to do in anticipation of a Justice League film, though?

he's on the fucking poster, how much of a reveal can it really be?

@avclub-e8571c68352a23107327b622cbd51878:disqus  It would be interesting to have a film with Luthor that explored his belief that he's championing humanity against an alien conqueror, a la Lex Luthor: Man of Steel or the interview issue in All-Star Superman, rather than having him be "generic evil CEO" every time.

The thing that struck me about Ang Lee's Hulk is that it's would make a great movie/character study about Betty Ross, where the Hulk is just a catalyst that drives how her relationships with her father and her ex-boyfriend change, but the parts that actually focus just on Banner are terrible. (It doesn't help that

@avclub-4c37107b9dedb73b90f677930bf7728b:disqus check out profile pic, Michael!

caring about people misinterpreting CK bits is like the definition of first-world problems.

if you can see why others might, then have the conversation with those people on their terms. don't make it all about how you're too cool to know anything about the topic you're coming into a conversation about.

seriously, the whole "i don't care about this popular thing, why would anyone else?" is the worst

i wiil sign up right now to talk about how sublime makes me want to strangle people

yeah, Goodwill is almost always more expensive than Salvation Army in places that are large enough to support both, but I've heard so many horror stories about the SA that I'm willing to throw the extra money to Goodwill.

It's kind of hilarious that really the only long-lasting, truly loving relationship currently in the show is the incestuous one.

Also, I really don't understand this idyllic notion of childhood that people seem to have ("cartoon characters and tonight's dessert".) Do you not remember being a kid? That shit fucking SUCKS. You're at the behest of various people who almost universally refuse to take you seriously about your internal state or

okay, there's an interesting theory.

they're called consignment stores, they're a thing that's existed a long time. kind of stupid, but there you go.

I'm skeptical of the premise that there are 10-year-olds who can pull up the lyrics for the song, but not take that to the next step and Google "R Kelly's sheets"