
he is the 90s superhero comics of ASOIAF characters.

the other thing is that, in the books, the first person she killed just because she could (rather than in self-defence) was also on her list—so she'd been fantasizing about it for a long time. It still winds up being kind of a murder of opportunity, but I feel like the impact is lessened a little bit by having it be

mainly it was your characterization of the people who take issue with this as looking for something to complain about, instead of, you know, people who are engaging with it just as honestly as you (assuming you're engaging with it honestly, I guess.)

@avclub-9417cd6052217011253e79907726659e:disqus the book fandom can be pretty bad about that too. It's really unsettling, sometimes, reading how much hatred she draws for being a somewhat sheltered, traditionally feminine girl, in a series filled with characters who try to casually murder children and such.

Anything's possible, but they'd need to write around a lot of things to make that work:
—Arya goes to Braavos, soon, so they'd need some way to reconcile that whole plotline with her being in the Riverlands killing Freys
—Show Arya is pretty pissed at the BwB for selling Gendry out, and that

he didn't have much choice, though, did he? what with his father and all of those guardmen being there, refusing would've probably meant death for her or both of them.

people are going to disagree with me on the internet! it's awful!

@avclub-be0f8833e0c38be119979a949a2da1cf:disqus It's like a few people have already said—there's no reason why everyone in that crowd of slaves had to be visibly nonwhite, especially given that all of the other cities we've seen on the eastern continent are fairly cosmopolitan. The Unsullied were a fairly heterogenous

@avclub-c2023af23a02a04d9f58966bafd8969a:disqus there's a few lines in the books that allude to the white-blond hair/purple eyes coloring being less rare in parts of Essos, which is to say that there's not a ton of folks who are descended from the Valyrians, but it's not only the Targaryans, either.

It's harder to do that in the show, though. Same as why we're getting Theon's plot moving along at about the same pace as everyone else's, instead of keeping him off-screen for several seasons. Leaving the battle(s) at the Wall until episode 9 means there's basically a whole season where Stannis and Jon and all of

It occurred to me that her line about Sansa tonight might wind up being the key here. The scene makes it really hard to believe that she'd sell out Tyrion just for money, but if she was placed in a situation where she had to choose between Tyrion's safety or Sansa's, that might be a different story. Maybe at some

It works because even though his part in the story is quite brief, you get
the sense that he's one of very few people who is driven by a sense of
justice AND actually has the power and savvy to back that up and get
shit done. It makes him a kind of kindred spirit to Tyrion (something
they both seem to tacitly

George Carlin had a routine playing on a similar idea that actually made way more sense than this movie does (not difficult to do, really), where once a year(?) there'd be themed murder days. Everyone gets a single murder without consequences (only one, no fair going on a rampage against random strangers), and it has

I forgot about that too! He's been beyond the wall for long enough that he wouldn't have heard.

please tell us more about how persecuted you've been in the newbie threads, we are all on tenterhooks here

in Arya's case, I think the show's pacing has lagged slightly(though I'm glad we didn't spend what felt like 100 years at Harrenhal, I don't think the way they've handled her relationship with the Hound really stands up to the books, yet, though that's in part due to the S3 not totally overlapping with ASoS.) I'm

eh, Papa Mad King really winds up taking a backseat to avenging Rhaegar and to a lesser extent Viserys (which makes it weirder given that people's reactions to Rhaegar are…frequently contradictory.)

@avclub-da518aecddbf5c94588f53562012c452:disqus I did! But those are like, five scenes at the very end of the book. I stand by my statement that the television series has a better sense of pacing and character, at least at this point.

wrong reply button

@avclub-2654adfd65b6ca4a8ac25a9f727d2262:disqus ahh, is that why it seems so universally hated in the book fandom?