Was always a die hard fan of this show.
Was always a die hard fan of this show.
Holy shit, this was special. I was a ball boy back when Andre was at American University. I remember him so fondly. I spent half the game on the phone with my father - an alum and season ticket holder for almost 40 years - both of geeking us, so proud.
yeah, I’m surprised Rondo is still in the league too
Had a feeling someone would bring that up. It’s a house flash system for still photography. Strobes mounted in the catwalks that likely just one or two still photographers can trigger. Newer cameras and better venue lighting largely make them obsolete, but for those most epic, crisp shots of a fast-moving play, it’s…
You’d think a Packer would know what’s in his luggage.
If I buy it, can I go “FIGHTIN ROUND THE WORLD?”
I assume she used towels to avoid the spread of rabies. All thanks to the awareness raised by the Michael Scott’s Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race for the Cure. For the cure.
At first i was afraid i was petrified...
Totally thought this was a belated April Fools post.
How disappointing. Unfortunately, this is nothing new in either of the Dakotas (or likely any state w/ a large number of reservations). I am an enrolled member of the Three Affiliated Tribes of North Dakota and an attorney engaged in Federal Indian law. My work takes me to both the Dakotas and the blatant racism in…
If this country has proven anything throughout its history, it’s that its capacity to treat Native Americans with callousness and cruelty knows no bounds.
Native Americans are the forgotten minority when folks talk about racism and economic injustice.
Headline should be:
Just coincidentally I was recently actually planning on buying the Ren & Stimpy dvds and revisiting the show soon.
Corner 3!!!
This happened too close to me. Me and little Cali4life just talked about it. This city is a tree city and in his neighborhood and many others, at night with the trees, and little lighting, it’s dark. Very dark. It is not unusual to be locked out and have to go to a backdoor/window.. we’ve all done it. I told her that…
The leaker will probably turn out to be Donald Trump. He is probably making those late night calls to “friends” and/or “paramours” and ranting about people telling him he can’t do things but he does it anyway.