
Just coincidentally I was recently actually planning on buying the Ren & Stimpy dvds and revisiting the show soon.

Here is a sneak peak of JPP in a Bucs jersey:

This happened too close to me. Me and little Cali4life just talked about it. This city is a tree city and in his neighborhood and many others, at night with the trees, and little lighting, it’s dark. Very dark. It is not unusual to be locked out and have to go to a backdoor/window.. we’ve all done it. I told her that

The leaker will probably turn out to be Donald Trump. He is probably making those late night calls to “friends” and/or “paramours” and ranting about people telling him he can’t do things but he does it anyway.

Oh, my goodness. I now see it. Wow. I need coffee.

ya a thousand people said that on slickdeals last week when I bought one for $225. It just got delivered. It wont be canceled.

ya a thousand people said that on slickdeals last week when I bought one for $225. It just got delivered. It wont be

(SAMWISE slides through FRODO’s front door)

I mean, “Better Call Sauron” was right there

“Better Call Tom Bombadil”

I agree that the skin is the best part and the most amazing boneless wings I ever had actually did have skin on them. Unfortunately they were just too expensive for the bar I had them at to put them on the regular menu. Their vendor had given them a case as a sample. They went fast and then were never seen again. They

The breading is the best part! Way better than skins imo

The appeal is the skins.

An ailment otherwise known as Lebronchitis.

Man this is such a tragedy. I can’t believe in today’s day and age with the technology and access to knowledge we have that people still can’t turn their phones sideways when taking video.

I’m assuming “no one” means that whoever was on at 0:43 in the first video is some sort of cyborg or something because holy shit.

Joey Crawford: “HE WAS OUT OF CONTROL!”

The best job I ever had was one where the boss would just randomly rabbit punch an employee in the kidneys after every meeting. Kept you on your toes.