
If the Packers had Belichick, Rodgers would have 4-5 rings, I’m completely convinced. McCarthy has a metric shit-ton of weaknesses; extremely poor at adapting to adverse circumstances, hyperconventional, petty, absurdly affected by anxiety and wholly capable of transmitting it to his staff and players, unwilling to

A lot of Packers fans had turned on the guy, even before Rodgers went down. They think only having one ring with Rodgers is a travesty.

That’s the response of a man who watched his HOF quarterback go down and knows that the media narrative of him being a good head coach is about to be exposed as a total fraud.

We’ve been trying to trying to make this headline happen for years.

We’ve been trying to trying to make this headline happen for years.

Claim your prize at customer service on your way out the door, Jeff.

Can’t spell Maraghy without Magary.

I learned at a young age from all my travels thanks to my mom being a travel agent to respect those that deserve it. Majority of people of all races deserve respect but a few of all races ruin the image for the rest of their race. I have never gotten to go to South or North Dakota but I have been up to Alaska while in

Well to be fair the natives come from a school that is located on the poorest reservation in America with unbelievable poverty, infant mortality rates and rampant addiction issues. So.....they kind of had it coming.

It creates a truly authentic NFL experience when the fans can get CTE as well.

Sneaky move. They start with the woman talking routes. Then when you’re mid chuckle- BAM- here comes the backlash.

I’m pretty shocked by this. Every time I think I can get a handle on how people behave at football games something like this comes along and just makes me second guess humanity. I’m just at an absolute loss.

It was picked up not because of anything he was wearing, but a bit more to do with how he climbed on a moving schoolbus and went batshit.

After the no-call on the obvious late hit and then shove that should have been roughing the passer, I don’t even care if he flopped.

Oompa loompa loompa-de-doo

Big fan of Mr. I’m Smiling And Waving At The Camera So I Don’t Break.

That’s weird I thought Andrea was married.

Hi, Native America here............

Straight Outta Crompton

As a Twins fan, I am thrilled that Neshek is still out there, still doing great, and still collecting autographs.

He convinced the Spanish government that they owe him money?