"Previously, on Finger Bang…"
"Previously, on Finger Bang…"
"Sorry, I don't have any more roses for you ladies. I ate them."
It's water wings for horses, so you can go swimming and riding horseback at the same time.
Freeform jazz is about the Lauras and Bens that are not dating.
Whoa, he's about to steal third base!
[off-topic comment that subverts the sexual pun comments in order to infuriate others while maintaining bracket-based humor]
Featuring original songs by The Tubes.
Thanks for ejaculating your opinion into the conversation, squirt.
"There is no terror in the bang, only in the prosecution of it."
Fuck Party '82
"Do. Or do not. I'm not your rabbi!"
Eating Neimoidian food on Wookiee Life Day.
Yeah, I should just quilt while I'm ahead.
And Jamie Wadsworth as "Louis Skulldick".
"This is my girlfriend, Beru" made me crack the fuck up in the theatre.
You're thinking of the Jewish Sith, Darth Seder.
"Can I Sith on your chest?"
But enough about their for(c)eplay…
I hate these darn things.