(Not a Cop)

Waitress, can you put this corn back in the boiler? I prefer my Cornwell done.

(Felixir drops library card into sewer grate)
"No! There was time now!"

And a Moon Over My Grishammy

Will there be a tie-in with Denny's?

Yeah, they do a good job of laying out the story for the mind's eye.

I like how the impression was 75% Paul Lynde.

Yeah, when's the last time they aired Living in Oblivion?

I remember SAST had a clip of Eddie Murphy that was like 30 seconds long, and it was the only standup I've seen him doing that wasn't Raw or Delirious. He was a young guy and he did the "That's how God made us stand when he spraypainted us" joke.

Yeah, she used to be on Vampire Diaries.

I'll take it. Not a lot of places you can go at this point.

I kinda winced when the music had a little drum sound when Rick's first knee hit the ground.

Yeah, he should have workshopped it. It was just repeating the same talking points two or three times.

I wouldn't mind if the show shifted its focus and just made Negan the leader of the show. It seems like he's doing something right with his many followers. The Governor's big hangup was his zombie kid in the aquarium. His crew has the numbers, it has planning, it has the weapons.

I think it would be great if Suicide Squad had a post-credit teaser with Lori Petty's Tank Girl. I don't even know if that's DC or not.

Yeah, I don't know why they're in such a rush. Marvel has a long-term plan, but why not just wait until the Avengers 3 is over before doing your version of Avengers 1? I'm sure after Avengers 3 comes out, these Marvel characters are gonna start drying up.

Gilmore Girls and Twin Peaks might determine if this TV show revival fad keeps going or stops entirely.

Holy shit, the PCU running time is 80 minutes. That's 1/3 commercials. No wonder they ran it so much.

Wait, it's cancelled? As in, no third season?

I remember loving the son and not really knowing the guy who did the voice. "H. Jon Benjamin?"

For me, the most constant movies on Comedy Central were: