(Not a Cop)

I can't even imagine that in atheist Louboutins.

Jerry O'Connell lost all that weight…. from eating lettuce.

I'd hate to see what the physical challenge entails.

I'm sure many a British-expat-turned-Japanese-theatre-critic used that headline.

This is all a ploy to unveil Beats By Takeshi®.

That's a spicy musical!

I meant "toilet".

Hello, Alien Jesus, my oldest friend.

This is a longwinded way to Google something, but I'll allow it.

Conchgilies are the ones you can't get wet. Cochgoulies are the ones that pop out of your toilet.

Gaba ghouls.

As the pastoral poem from the 1990s states, "You can't stop the Rock. Can't stop the Rock. You can't stop the Rock. Can't stop the Rock."

I bet he plays the tourist who gets his camera stolen and ScarJo beats up the guy who steals it.

Ever seen Michael Pitt try to ride an escalator?

Ghostbusters in the Shell

If you can't Beat 'em, join 'em.

Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump as the billionaire and his wife.

McKinnon has always seemed like a ringer on SNL. I hope she has a good career, because she really hasn't been in that many movies, but I can see her being in a lot of funny roles.