(Not a Cop)

When did Summer of '41 come out?

I have such a cursory memory of watching SCTV on old school Comedy Central (it also used to be on after SNL on late-night Saturday) that I don't know if getting a box set would be a good idea or not. I may appreciate it now that I'm older.

"I'll go with you, and I won't whine, and I'll sew your socks, and I'll stitch you when you're wounded, and I'll do anything you ask of me except one thing. I won't watch you die. I'll miss that scene if you don't mind."

"Lulita, light of my lufe, fire of my luins. My sun, my suul."

Well, it's nothing very special. Uh, try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read an Umberto Eco book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations.

I always preferred the sequel, The Name of the Bernard

"I couldn't be more clear. The boys who got the fuck out were staring at me. The shitholes were cursing me and the other guy. Out of the ten boys who were involved with this shit, two walked away early because they obviously knew it was wrong. Two others walked away when they saw witnesses. The others laughed when the

Well, it is an offshoot of The Onion.

He's pinchhitting for Pedro Garbon in heaven.

The fact that he's making shrimp tacos for dinner is essential.

They made Xander lick the white dog poo.

*greenlights season two of Xanderpuss: Confessions*

Does it come with the maid?

Explains why Quaid has been in Canada for so long.

That was a bizarre Hulk Hogan cameo. Wasn't expecting him to go full frontal.

One Halloween, I went as the Incredible Hulk and my costume consisting of green food dye mixed in with Elmer's Glue. And then I spread the glue on my face to dry.

Ted Cruz actually looks like a Murray brother to me. Kinda like Joel Murray, but I also get a teensy bit of Randy Quaid. This is thinner, beardless Randy Quaid from the '80s.

We learned that roasted pigeon is delicious.