(Not a Cop)

The same, except substitute "eat a big bowl of plain Cheerios" with "masturbate".

And every Asian wedding soup involves losing leeks of your wife.

It's their voices and they kinda look similar.

I liked how exasperated the usage was by the end. Hopefully, it won't be a running gag. Listening to back catalog ones, there's a lot of self-contained bits.

I just felt like Cudi wasn't interested anymore and used his album as an excuse.

Next up: the Ayn Rand version of Monopoly, where you can put hotels on the railroads.

I finally listened to the CBB with Weird Al.

Cool, I'll check it out. I heard an aftermath of the Subaru thing in a more recent episode.

Oh shit, that makes sense. I used to get Pardo and Glass confused for the longest time.

It is, but I generally love the summer blockbuster period, because there's a stronger chance of me having actually seen a movie. They do enough to describe a movie you haven't seen, but it's something else entirely when you know exactly what they're talking about.

The Pistol Shrimps lost their damn championship game.

Mom! Get over here!

I went on a Todd Glass run through old CBBs and I kinda miss his appearances on CBB.

Goin' to Inglewood

They've gone to plaid!

Jeremy spoke in class today.

I didn't like Guero at first, but it's kinda grown on me.

You lousy puke!

Sir Viver was the first knight of the Round Table to die. He tripped on his shoelaces when he went to go fetch the second pitcher of fine mead.

The Loser Who Covered The Man Who Sold The World