
I drove from Tampa to Lakeland yesterday, came to a stop 3 times, and was only over 70 for about 5 miles. No wrecks, no pulled over cars, or even broken down cars on the shoulder. Just stopped, and the only thing I can attribute it to was the rain. It was ridiculous. I think it's because all the people from NY

Enlighten me on this Michigan Law?

I agree. They also don't know how to drive when it rains. I was on i4 yesterday going 40mph when it was drizzling. Happens all the time on the Howard Franklin (bridge) or the Courtney Campbell Causeway if it even looks like its going to rain.

I was referencing the whole total surface area on a larger cube thing, but then I figured out that you meant only the part touching the water. Twas my bad.

edit: my mistake. assuming makes an ass out of me.

New low Giz.... since you guys don't need that review unit anymore....

Doesn't work on any of the One series phones, which is what this devices is specifically for. fail.

I have one, and it works fine. Can't get it to update, but watched all of season 6 dexter last week on it, without a hitch. With the Microsoft Glass thingy coming out, I'm thinking about returning it though.

Who said the best part of waking up had to be folgers?

if you broke open glow sticks, and spread the liquid on the balloons, it should be lighter than the leds, and last about the same amount of time as a button cell battery. Since one stick could coat a few balloons, it should be much cheaper, and I think you can buy the raw material even cheaper than that.

Wow...dick move giz....dick move.

What if you used glow stick material instead of LEDs?

Yeah, tons of crooked doctors down here, but luckily they're starting to crack down on them big time.

Meth and bath salts.

Reagan-Stalin Approves!


Yeah, the first batch made it through, but it was only about 3-4 per store. That accounts for a very small percentage of people that wanted this device.

Been under a rock?

Still probably the best device on AT&T.