For real though?!

Not enough kinslaying amongst these modern royals. What I wouldn't give to see Harry brain Wills with the old scepter and orb while various wastrel hangers on viciously scrap for position after the fallout. The least you royal fucks could do is be slightly interesting.

I'm not an expert in admiralty law, but I think you're more or less required to attempt to render assistance in that situation. Kudos to them for not shirking responsibility.

Sweetie, the adults are talking. Go play with your paste.

If I look at a picture of food in bed I end up feeling imaginary crumbs for the next week. Hard no. I will kick you out of bed for eating crackers.

If I look at a picture of food in bed I end up feeling imaginary crumbs for the next week. Hard no. I will kick you

They gave Trump an out. Unfortunately they failed to realize this whole thing was an exercise is political misdirection, and that they are for all intents and purposes a prop. 

Project Mayhem lives on. His name is Robert Paulson.

Raddix sounds like an off brand flea collar.

He looks just like Will. Poor kid's gonna be bald at 20.

Good effort. That big money career isn't going to mindlessly sabotage itself!

A draft is almost pointless when something like 60% of military aged men in this country are too obese to meet minimum physical standards. Pacifism through gluttony!

Well I guess I don’t need these eyes anymore.

It'd be neat if Methodist Jesus would spare a few minutes out of his busy schedule and shoot these guys a quick dm clarifying that he doesn't give a fuck about how many testicles are present in a married couple. Let these folks get back to doing what they do best, looking down on Baptists.

Jokes on you, all men have a secret pouch of brewer's yeast implanted in the lining of the stomach upon their 13th birthday. Gimme some water and malt and I'll be drunk as a lord in 3-5 weeks depending on the ambient temperature.

I'm surprised they had $70k left to pay a psychic after their recurring monthly magic beans expenditures.