Seriously Mike

Yeah, the Germans are a class of its own in this field, but at least they’re starting to make amends. The French are ridiculously stuck-up on their gauloiserie (even Jean Reno said he caught some shit about his Spanish ancestry, IIRC), British conservatives pine for the times of the Empire Where The Sun Never Sets,

Honestly? A 200 lbs live target is a 200 lbs live target, and then there’s the law to decide whether it’s hunting, poaching or murder.

Antsy compared to $500 coyote carbines that could as well drop a Sandboxistani insurgent at 200 meters out if you know what you’re doing, even without select-fire capabilities. IIRC, there was a massive handgun/CCW legal freakout in the 90s, and it’s holding up to this day, but every attempt at regulating rifles is

Isn’t the US law antsy about people owning pistols in general?

Due process? Those kiddy-diddlers don’t give a flying fuck about due process. Either we drag them out into the streets and curbstomp them, or they’ll be fucking kindergartners for the next millenium, with the tacit approval of civil authorities in an awful lot of underdeveloped countries.

Absolutely no surprise there. Worse yet, Mexico is very much like Poland in this regard - not only the civil authorities are complicit, but the people themselves are fuckstupid enough to defend the pedos with mind-boggling victim blaming.

I hope it won’t turn out like the CA firearm laws that are misinformed, vote-grabbing, knee-jerk, feel-good bullshit.

Meanwhile, pilots in the area were warned about flocks of pigs traveling at a low altitude.

Photograph it at a proper angle and you have a cover ready.

That face reminds me of Grzegorz Rosinski’s work for early “Hans” comics.

Excuse me, those are CIVILIZED countries, unlike the US.

Alien cloning, man. They’re planting them among us.

Brazil disagrees. They’re swimming in illegal firearms and drowning in gun crime-produced corpses.

What are the CCW and handgun purchase laws in Maryland? I thought that after countless incidents and legal restrictions, lunatics switched to coyote carbines that can be bought for $500 without too much legal hassle...

With the right amount of reasoning and plain ol’ bullshit you could sell the concept of mandatory gun possession permit in America. I’ve heard about some of the ingredients here and there, plus, it’ll be fun to watch the pharmaceutical lobby and the NRA strangle each other over who gets the money in such a situation.

Yeah, and guns, and mental illness, and corn syrup too. But in case your intestine is blocking your view, we managed to fix a lot of the problems related to all of them.

“Service Guarantees Citizenship”?! That’s a quote from the fucking Starship Troopers, and the movie version at that! And that one is a pretty blatant depiction of a militarized fascist state, no ifs, no buts, no as’es!

Yep, I guess that if you asked the same people about Trump, the alter-Nazis and shit, you’d get a succinct answer along the lines of “they’re unsalvageable toxic garbage, next question”.

*only country where this is regularly reported.

It’s H1Z1, at least its PVE part before they separated the game into H1Z1: Just Survive. and H1Z1: King of the Kill. Then, Just Survive dropped the title, and H1Z1 dropped the subtitle.