Which is why, instead of providing safety and healthcare, America sells guns and drugs, right?
Which is why, instead of providing safety and healthcare, America sells guns and drugs, right?
You do realize that the NRA gunned for restrictions back in the 1960s and 1970s... to disarm law-abiding African-American gun owners?
Introduce gun regulations with psychiatric evaluation and shit, like any civilized country, then name the firearm permit “Militiaman’s Card”. Bang, profit.
Maybe that’s because they love Hollywood movies, the 80s action schlockfests with Stallone and Schwarzenegger in particular?
I blame the sensationalistic news media. Somehow, you had all sorts of guns with high-capacity magazines and other scary things available for quite a long time, and shit like Columbine happened once in a blue moon, with noticeable motivations like brain tumor, workplace bullying etcetera.
TLJ is trash anyway. I mean, seriously. It spits in the face of everything and everyone: not only Luke Skywalker is an incompetent old tadger, which is an insult to the fans of OT, but Rey gets no development whatsoever either, Finn’s plot is mostly wasted and the most hyped scenes ended up on the cutting room floor.…
When an American thinks Italy is a backwards freakshow, it’s gotta be a REALLY backwards freakshow.
You do realize that the neo-nazi Golden Dawn is a huge thing in Greece now?
Oh you funny guy you. How do you intend to do that? Level the remains of Nazi murder industry, destroy the monuments to victims of their savagery? Pretend that nothing happened, that six fucking millions of Jews, Slavs from different countries, Romani, homosexuals, socialists, they just what, disappeared without a…
I don’t think so. You had shitloads of guns before that, you needed laws that curbed it - in the 1930s, in the 1980s, in 1994, and sometime between IIRC, and somehow it did not happen as often.
No, he’s right. If someone’s fucked up this bad, to be willing to go out and kill a lot of people, sooner or later he’ll get a gun, legal or illegal. And media will latch on it like a swarm of leeches.
Well, Uncle Miltie, the trick is, he could. We had pater familicides like this happen here, guns were used in one or two cases, the others were kitchen knives and blunt instruments.
Americans are born troubleshooters. If someone gives them trouble, they shoot them. But mostly, when they’re troubled, they shoot themselves. At least according to the FBI.
Gun debates in America often start with pointless fearmongering and go nowhere from there. Statistics from other countries are gleefully ignored, same goes for arguments on racism, misogyny, domestic violence, mental health and the abysmal state of American mental healthcare.
White Caller Crime.
I wouldn’t be so sure that the “toy gun” could be readily recognized as “fake”. First, the “toy guns” of the sort Tamir Rice was killed over always bear a big-ass “18 Years Or Older” on the packaging, along with stuff like “Never point at people” in the instruction sheet (and sometimes on the packaging as well).…
Allow me to correct: we didn’t elect Holocaust-denying women haters. We elected bible-thumping women haters who claim that the Holocaust happened, and the Germans did it, with absolutely no help from the local scum. Anyone who claims otherwise will be jailed, so I am not claiming otherwise, y’know.
Tonic Lardons.
Are you telling me that nobody had the idea to put up a big-ass green banner saying “Slainte!” on St. Paddy’s Day?
Winner winner, Big Chicken Dinner?