Seriously Mike

You do realize that Tumblr shitcanned over eighty blogs that pretended to be run by black people, but were in fact run from katsap troll farms?

Honestly? I don’t understand the American liberals (I’m from Europe). Correct me if I’m wrong, but I see most of them as self-righteous, virtue-signaling fucktards who don’t care about changing the status quo in any meaningful way, instead preferring to focus on publicity stunts and partial solutions that will never

Gamergate died the moment people realized Anita Sarkeesian is a fraud.

And they didn’t bleat how blocking their page was racist?

Really? Daryl is a redneck name, if anything. Daryl, Merle, Bubba, Earl, Zeke, Jed, those are obvious redneck names.

Pretty neat!

At least it’s tied to Australia, and not to the fucking katsapstan like over eighty ostensibly BLM-related Tumblr blogs shut down recently for their ties to the Kremlin-funded propaganda machine.

Well, the kid’s behaved well enough to laugh even at bad jokes.

...this article is so full of shit that someone needs to call a septic truck.

That’s Yinglish. As spoken in Brooklyn, Beverly Hills and Palm Beach, Fla.

Since my dad’s worked in forensics and my mom’s a retired cop, I can say I grew up around guns. But that only means I know that real guns are dangerous. They’re powerful tools that require resolve, self-control and a lot of thought to use... well, but you Yanks apparently missed the memo.

Not gonna happen, they use the Soldier mesh in BR, and Penny is a Constructor.

Stalker, Pathologic and the bland soap opera actress best known as Nurse Zosia.

Why does Roadhog have Trump hands?

They... WHAT?!

Well, you’re missing the very obvious distinction between the Casting Couch and teens wanting to fuck for fun.

You’re either a hypocrite or denser than a tungsten bar. I’ve seen some fucked up shit in my life, but a college student porking a high school student is so mundane it didn’t even make the bottom of the list.

Makes me wonder why I’m back in the greys, though, while swine like that roam free.

I read “well-spoken office worker” and imagined Roger Cross in a shirt and tie.