Seriously Mike

Those aren’t toe shoes that are crazy popular, they’re ninja socks, also known as tabi.

That sounds familiar, particularly if you recall the incident where a racist populist publicly (during an EU parliament session) said something along the lines of “(our people) are Europe’s n***ers”.

Don’t bother, that’s a fucking trumptard sockpuppet. Who let that swine out of the greys is a mystery to me.

Why berks like that are out of the greys and I’m not?

That gameplay looks like a wet fart.

“The Old Fashioned”? I like the name, I will probably try to get it once the game is out on PC.

OK, now I know what not to read. That book sounds like endless masturbation over geek culture put to paper.

And nobody’s protesting because “different cultural sensibilities”.

Keep calm, keep a tarp in the trunk.

Dude, really? CS is a fucking biological hazard compared to Overwatch.

I think the world needs to know more British expletives. Americans are pretty fucking uncreative when it comes to swearing, and racist as fuck on top of that. Why drop the n-bomb when you can call someone a spunktrumpet, a cockjockey, a wankstain, a shitweasel or a turdmuncher?

But, thanks to more stringent EU regulations for food, anything banged out by a corp in an EU country will be considerably better than the American mass-market plastic. Same goes for Swiss products, the Swiss treat their national exports - watches, chocolate and banking services - as VERY serious business.

Well, Witcher 3 is a PC game. I had no problem with the fonts on my PC monitor, although I do understand that playing the game on a console, sitting far away from the TV, is less than optimal, so to speak.

Legible, but a bit bland, I think.

That is because Witcher 3 is a PC game, you console peasant!

Amazing how easily the progressives put the jackboots on. Remove the word “modern” from your first sentence and you’ll get a textbook definition of nazism.

Yeah. I’m shocked how dogmatic the left has become. Usually, it was the right, the conservative, nationalistic, good-old-days right stuck to their Technicolor dogma of past that never was. But these days? A noticeable part of the left has donned jackboots and dug themselves in trenches, going “if you’re not with us,

Strange, I found OW community, at least on the European servers, to be surprisingly well-behaved. Sure, there are rage-quitting assholes, but I encountered maybe two or three shrieking assholes since the last anniversary when I bought the game.

And boom, the creators slap us with a neo-nazi symbol right in the face.

You forgot step 3, the secret double meaning gets willed into being thanks to the uproar.