Seriously Mike

Nah, that was a bug in her Lunar/Chang’e skin model, it’s been fixed.

The artwork might be old enough to have been created before Sombra and Orisa were introduced as characters, and Doomfist pretty much came out last week, but you’re right about McCree needing a bolo tie, Tracer’s necklace (or lack of one) and general lack of cybernetics (although I’m not happy about Genji in the photo,

That one from the lead image is pretty close.

Hell, it was $20 last month during the Anniversary celebrations!

Hell, it was $20 last month during the Anniversary celebrations!

It was Guy Ritchie’s idea to go with a Middle-Eastern/Indian cast. Will Smith is hardly of consequence here, considering how White America has it out for the entire Middle East with the exception of Israel. Ritchie’s going full John Oliver with this one.

Arab/Indian actor was Ritchie’s idea. The risk is, if studio forces this, Ritchie will throw a shit-fit and bail out or get fired.

Shit like this makes me angry. As an European, I cannot comprehend how the fuck America, with all its exceptionalist propaganda, allows things like this to happen.

Funny coincidence for me: you say that your nemesis was named Krûk, and the trailer shows a guy with a bird’s head helmet and black feather necklace. What’s the Polish word for raven? “Kruk”.

Money ran out, wheels fell off, g’night guv.

Is it really that good? I just put it on my Steam wishlist a couple of days ago, because it sounded interesting.

It’s... curious how a Waffen-SS reenactor says that Wehrmacht wasn’t involved in the atrocities. And how the interviewer doesn’t catch the obvious point.


I think I’ve seen a guy hunt wild pigs with a knife once. And IIRC, he’s still alive.

Four pounds, that’s one thing, another is, the bloody thing kicks like a horse and has no way of mitigating the recoil. And like MD says, .50AE is one hell of a round.

Not to mention, Ansem Retard or whatever he’s called is a massive douche in real life too.

You know what? You’re a hypocrite. You’re full of virtue-signalling shit and you have nothing valuable to say. GTFO.

Cyberpunk?! Shirley, you jest. You go from one confusing system to another, and outdated one at that.

Gmail, Gmail or Gmail. Certainly nothing tied to an ISP.

Nope, jumping is as clunky as it was.

Faction uniforms? Gone. Grind levels to unlock them back.