Seriously Mike

Unsolicited Male Opinion:

I finally got around to installing The Witcher 3, and maybe I’ll be fooling around with Stonehearth too.

When you say “Newt Gingrich”, all I can think of is that caricature of him in Hustler, where he shows his dick to the public and says “What do you mean I don’t care about the little guy? Just look at him!”

I tried listening to Mankind Divided’s soundtrack, but it’s blander (and worse) than Human Revolution. I couldn’t find anything that sounded as cool as “Everybody Lies” (Fedorova’s Boss theme), DXHR’s opening credits or “Icarus”.

Don’t make me school you. In 17th century, Polish privateers did a pretty damn good job fending off the Swedish navy, at least better than the ground forces did (because that one was a fucking disaster). The real problem with Poland is that aside from brawling, they can do jack shit. Don’t believe me? Watch the news.

I have a license and I can’t drive for shit. Seriously, put me behind the wheel and I’m gonna have a panic attack followed by a clumsy, GTA-style ride with next to no attention paid to traffic lights, road signs or pretty much anything else.

Yes, there was. She had a Witcher medallion and Witcher-themed shooting glasses.

I don’t know. Over here they moved Italian BMT day to Tuesday, and for the life of me I can’t remember what’s on Thursday.

Yeah, I wonder if that shit’s even legal.

What you’re saying makes me want my actions to reverberate all the way from your balls to your brain.

Sure, but the fun stops when it’s a case known as “The GM’s Girlfriend”.

You have a US soldier controlling Nazi zombies and meat-filled tanks. Not to mention people carrying babies in artificial wombs. It’s disturbing and confusing already.

There was a movie, although I can’t remember whether Kotaku called it half-bad or full-bad.

You forgot the most important part: Platige worked on all the promo cinematics for the Witcher games, and their subsidiary Platige Films is co-producing the Witcher movie with SDC (producers of The Expanse).

“The horrible left wing they want to pass universal healthcare so we can be like all the other developed countries in the world. They think there should be financial regulations on the banks. They think we should listen to the climate scientists on climate change. They think we need better background checks on

“All the capabilities of a ZX Spectrum, the pride of Atari plebs! Atari ST, yeah, yeah, yeah!” - from a demoscene song titled, unsurprisingly, “Anti-Atari Song”.

No, they split those 20 bucks between at least two “promising programmers”.

It’s nothing but moronic katsap propaganda that hasn’t changed since the USSR shit itself and died. Sadly, Russians are terrifyingly weak-willed and simply cannot live without some oppressive totalitarian fuckwad telling them what to do.

What the fuck does “white nationalism” even mean? There’s no such nation as “White”!

An 18 feet tall road sign prop. Built light enough to be picked up and carried around by a single guy.