Seriously Mike

All that idiotic “hurr durr no numbery skillz, game dumbed down” drivel gets on my nerves. FFS, Fallout 4 has a lot of stupid shit and ridiculous bugs in it, but finally matching the mechanics with the playstyle by getting rid of pointless, arbitrary-value skills that, in the most part, didn’t do anything anyway was a

Mate... MacCready’s perk and Deliverer. The Deliverer is a mean little beastie, +50% damage fully upgraded vs. a fully upgraded 10mm pistol, and it starts out with a suppressor. If you put one or two ranks in Sandman, and maybe even Ninja, this thing is terrifying if you double-tap someone unaware in VATS.

You have no idea how wrong you are, on all counts. First, CD Projekt Red is not some “tiny Eastern European studio”, it’s a massive offshoot of the biggest, oldest software publisher in Poland, backed with serious capital. Hell, they bought out Metropolis, a venerable studio formed way back when by Adrian Chmielarz,

Not exactly “stunted”, it’s November when you emerge from the vault and you can see piles of leaves in Sanctuary. I think that if we ever got a Fallout that starts around April, you’d get woods not unlike those depicted in The 100 (which, in its second season, also had an Enclave better than Fallout 3).

Silly accents and rehashed missile surfing. I was thinking about buying that game, but now... Nope, count me out, see you in the bargain bin.

Well, duh. No-brainer.

The new Mad Max runs on a mix of practical effects and digital compositing. So, shit really explodes, just not in the same place and at the same time as rest of filming.

Oh buddy... I’ve played Dirty Bomb for some time, and I noticed one weird thing: a lot of people who can afford pretty much any character in the game buy Vassily. For some reason, those idiots believe that a sniper is a be-all, end-all character, the ultimate solution to everything... And they can’t even use his

It’s from the first Fallout, IDK, maybe an illustration for the manual. But, it’s not Boris Vallejo’s style. It’s Simon Bisley - you can tell from the faces and muscles. The guy in the center looks pretty much like Bisley’s version of Mitch Hunter from Mutant Chronicles.

Oooh, tablet you say? Well, maybe it’s the only thing that makes using this piece-of-shit app comfortable, because on my phone, poking the ridiculously tiny buttons with my hammy fingers is next to impossible.

Wooden endcap. Bloody marvelous. I haven’t worked with wood, really, and I don’t have access to a lathe.

I swear someone on IO9 or Kotaku covered it a month ago, I remember commenting that I’d love to read it if only for the alternate Peggy Carter.

Good that I have a prefixed Plasma Pistol that deals extra 50% damage to limbs, and a .50cal Sniper Rifle that deals extra 25% damage and extra 25% limb damage.

Hey Bethesda, this lady says hi.

I cleared out the National Guard base using up only two Fusion Cores. Now I’m at 14. If you spend a Fusion Core, the next one is loaded automatically, though. But the philosophy behind using a Power Armor is to scout ahead, then, in case there’s significant resistance, regroup, take the Power Armor and go wreak havoc.

Hey, I’ve found a teddy bear wearing a helmet and smoking a cigar. It should be in Satellite Station Olivia.

He looks more like an older Kojima to me.

Those burgers are indeed topped with onion rings. Sweet baby Jesus, what delicious insanity.

I was considering shoving a bottlecap mine up his ass, because I can’t stand that idiot. Worse yet, I couldn’t even chew him out for his shitty DJing style when I met him.

Skyrim bored me with the general pointlessness of quests. With Fallout 4, I’m having fun doing Preston’s settlement quests and building up the settlements. I kinda forgot that I’m supposed to go and save Nick Valentine.