
I never comment on any Gawker website but I had to just express how much I am going to miss Charlie Jane. Her book and story recommendations on this site have led me to new worlds that have made my life better and given me a better understanding about the world, and myself (as all good sci-fi can!).

You’re gonna call out OP for fat shaming and then like five sentences later call her “sloppy looking”? Fuck off with that noise. A body cannot just inherently be sloppy looking because it’s big. In the header image she’s wearing a put together outfit, make-up, and her hair is styled. Sorry her BODY isn’t put together

Oh man, this was EXACTLY how it used to effect me!! Wow!!!! I am no longer on anti-depressants either but I have a suggestion based on what I was using when I was. I was taking lexapro but my doctor also gave me trazodone as well with a “use as needed” motto. I’d take 1-2 traz if things got very bad (like around my