
Kind of a weird article... Kloss wasn’t born into wealth, she was one of the hardest working models as a teen. That takes some hustle. She earned her wealth and it is still relatively new.

$169 for those? No wonder she wanted to buy a convent. Katy knew these were coming out and she wanted to repent in advance.

Maybe they had thrown it in as a drunk design after too many glasses of wine then when they realized it was going to be produced whispered, “My god, what I have done.”

Gonna be real hard for me to watch a pregnant lady get murdered in 2018.


Selena Gomez was harassed because her ex is engaged? Wtf is wrong with people?!? What, exactly, is the thought process behind behaviour like that? 

The media needs to describe all of these voter suppression efforts as CHEATING to win elections. Because that is what it is and that is a much clearer way to describe to regular people what is going on. Americans understand cheating is wrong. They don’t necessarily get different the nuances of various forms of

I could deal with the Right if we just had differences of opinions on fact based issues (when life begins, small government vs big, etc.). But the Right has no interest in a level playing field. I don’t know how you make peace with yourself if you have to cheat to win but I guess that’s the root of the problem. They

Ryan Adams seems a little sad.”

Rebecca!!! Please do morning Dirt Bag! It needs taking over asap

That’s a big come up for Jessie J, the original Rita Ora.

It’s probably right... but should be considered double jeopardy.

Jesus, I bet even John Mayer is reading this and thinking “What a douchebag.”

Okay, I know he’s like... old enough to be my father, but holy shit, Kurt Russell is the sexiest Santa I’ve ever seen. That magnificently coifed hair, that amazing beard. Fuck, that man can work it HARD.

I wonder if Bart is so reviling to Neil that he becomes the new swing vote.

I give it 6 months max until he responds to someone challenging him in oral arguments by jumping up and screaming “DON’T TALK TO ME ABOUT THE LAW. I AM THE LAW!!!!!”

I wish all the lawyers from here on out just referred to him as ‘Kavanaugh’ instead of Justice Kavanaugh.

Oh god, we’re going to have to suffer through a Bradley Cooper vanity album, aren’t we?

I love how Republicans whine (falsely) that there is no evidence to support her claim, but will put forth any insane conspiracy theory based....literally no evidence.