It is not good for children. Something must have gone very wrong if it is joint custody when there was domestic abuse since California has a rebuttal presumptive against joint with DV.
It is not good for children. Something must have gone very wrong if it is joint custody when there was domestic abuse since California has a rebuttal presumptive against joint with DV.
I like your attitude - work at it even though it will take years. And work on it in fields or in ways that you, as an individual can step up and make a difference. Speaking out about child rape and incest; internationally in getting USA to sign onto the Human Rights of Children thing they didn’t participate in;…
Your mom is clutching her pearls because children are vulnerable and it’s a hard, uncaring world where children do not have rights and bad things happen to them all the time. If disaster happens to you, your child or your child’s immediate family there is a chance that extended family can step in and protect the…
In a lot of ways it is still “rather than the property of their fathers”.
Absolutely. During the time of the campaign, there were many women in DV support groups speaking up about how triggering it was.
Betrayal is a severe, devastating form of psychological harm. You don’t even have to be fragile to suffer emotionally and physically from the harm. I’m speaking of the betrayal from her family.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I had never heard of her and her story is so engrossing.
People hear even less from children who had the safe parent stay in order to protect them from the abuser.
It is the sexting children that is high up in the bad parenting, risk-factor and criminal list.
Abusive relationships are surprisingly similar across socioeconomic, cultural, etc lines.
Prenups for child-related stuff is not legal/can’t work. At least in California.
I see you are getting a lot of advice about leaving. Sometimes a mother needs to stay in order to protect her children. Yes, bad for child to see abuse. Worse for the child to be abused directly with no chance of being protected due to custody sharing. You are in the best position to figure that out.
OR could we take over the resort via eminent domain to house “our” president?
Divorce lawyers Are Not a reputable source for statistical data on this issue. They know And understand little about these crimes and the equity courts they work in are unable to handle this either. There are real studies dealing with DV/child abuse allegations and family court.
Debate and vote on 2/20 re: rescinding the invitation. I caught the live feed of the initial debate on the petitions when the foreign secretary was there. I’m American And it was fascinatingly to watch, plus reassuring because both sides were stating his recent ban was abhorrent and something their country wouldn’t do…
Were the objectives of the mission accomplished? Doesn’t that have a lot to do with the idea of if there wasn’t success or not?
Spiced referred the press to go to Treasury for info on easing sanctions today.
OLder centrist in the hopes Repugs would allow him on the court.
Have any democrats spoken up about it yet? I can’t get over the Merrick Garland horror so I can’t think of anything other than it’s not fair so NO NEW JUSTICES EVER.
OFficers tend to be registered republicans. Overwhelmingl.