It’s called projection and I’m trying to figure out how so many could vote for an obvious bully and abuser.
It’s called projection and I’m trying to figure out how so many could vote for an obvious bully and abuser.
Outright refusal to “allow” the Supreme Court to have a new justice.
She’s tough but it would be very scary to do this.
We are not going to gain ground - for sure not in the Senate, the executive and not the judicial.
The Republicans should be requesting a recount as well. These aren’t not honorable people. We all have a responsibility to step up.
Bill Magee likes her.
Not to mention really good fathers.
Not to mention really good fathers.
It needs to be part of character, a part of everyone’s responsibility as a human being. You don’t need to consider yourself a feminist to stand up.
This wasn’t calling out?
And then there is the “no” that leads to being fired if you aren’t powerful enough or didn’t have a supervisor helping you to avoid the predator for 8 years (or whatever timeframe she gave). What about the not even being prepared to say no because no one warned you this kind of shit happens in the world???
I agree with your comment, but not the “small steps” part. Obviously, we need to be taking a lot bigger steps someplace if someone like Trump can become president when his misogyny and abuse toward women was right out there in the open.
And i’ve read fb posts from Trump friends that they still don’t like her, after the election. She “used” to be good. And Jezebel posts are “I thought she was becoming good but I was wrong”.
Thank you for sharing. I have a 14 year old daughter - the vulnerability courage naivety of young girls and young women is beautiful and terrifying and I want to do more to protect them from the same kind of insecure asshole men.
Is it only women who have actually been abused that can see? These past months leading up to the election I heard so many women expressing how afraid they were of Trump in the safety of DV support groups because they felt they all knew him.
Thank you for writing this article. The comments are also interesting and informative. I still feel that Trump was not hiding who he was, the media was not hiding his racism, misogyny, bigotry and abusive history — his CHARACTER -and there was more than enough information out there for everyone to know who and what…
I’m sure fellow sleazy family law lawyers, minor’s counsels, custody evaluators and judges wrote letters in defense. This is right on par with the rest of them as far as morals and competence. I’m surprised he was disbarred.
Lack of courage on the part of these wealthy, white men.
They are the mothers who will ask their daughters if they were drinking or their skirts too short when the daughter comes to them after being raped.
We need to call them Republicans because this is the GOP.