Hamilton could have saved himself a lot of typing by just writing ‘I’m a huge pussy.’
Hamilton could have saved himself a lot of typing by just writing ‘I’m a huge pussy.’
When you guys said you were making ‘foodporn’, you could’ve warned us that your creative inspiration was Tom Sizemore’s sex tape.
This joke fucking sucks.
And here I thought Ashley Feinberg was going to be the only scrub Deadspin shamelessly pimped out again and again.
And here I thought Ashley Feinberg was going to be the only scrub Deadspin shamelessly pimped out again and again.
So what you’re saying is that two grown, adult women had a conversation during which a question was asked that neither of them found any problem with but you, a blogger with no connection to either of them, should be the barometer for outrage?
So what you’re being inferring is that the equity investor, in taking on a potentially very risky investment, should be willing to assume more liability and accept more financial exposure than what the market deems they need to?
Not sure what would surprise me more- a US athlete sticking to their guns or a Patrick Redford article without a typo.
Haha nope
You are a giant, sopping hatchet wound.
The torturing of Guinea pigs is a long standing ritual amongst Grosse Ile athetes. Said one team member “When we’ve needed that extra boost, it’s always been able to help us reach that next Gere.”
Ok, so now do we stop stopping pretending that Donald Trump is running for president?
So what you’re saying is that you’ve never had one, don’t understand people who would have one but feel comfortable shitting on an idea you clearly aren’t the target market for?