do the Jalop employees even read what the guy is looking for?
do the Jalop employees even read what the guy is looking for?
Very different car when it’s got the hemi.
Dodge magnum with the hemi
Why do we need to pay more?
Left-wing dogma that ignores the facts. America has the cheapest fuel costs in the world outside of the middle east - thanks to the GOP elimination of unnecessary regulations. And there is no gas tax - it is only being discussed as one of many options. It is the Left who would rather Americans pay european levels of…
IF the gas tax was not put into general revenues and was deployed efficiently - maybe it’s good idea. But most of this is state level so let them raise their taxes if they need to.
The UK hasn’t got Free healthcare. they have lousy, inefficient healthcare that you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy.
Except it immediately followed an ad about clean drinking water...
Tracy’s definition of “perfectly good” is not the same as any sane person.
Except its low and relatively cramped inside - two things she doesn’t want
Other reviewers criticized the ride. Kristen did you take it over any rough pavement and what was your impression?
Saw lots of those in Boston last summer.
I sure hope the author never ventures into business journalism. Seems to me he did okay with the arrangement. The question I would put to him is compared to what alternatives?
Chart ends in 2011 when fuel prices were rising I suspect that they have declined since then.
A 150000 car that doesn’t have heated steering wheel?
Depreciation schedule like a falling meteor
THe way they are doing it is by grossly overestimating the resale value. In three years Cadillac is going to take a huge bath on these underwater lease surrenders.
Your suburban is a 3/4 tomorrow chassis and drivetrain. This is a 1/2 ton
Pathetic 12000 towing in a 1/2 ton. Who has a higher number than that?
You hardly drive your truck - why spend the extra dough for a less drivable diesel?