It’s been like three days now that the “trump doesn’t know japanese car makers assemble cars in the US” story has been revealed - with little effort - to be biased fake news and yet Jalopnik still reports it as Trump not knowing the facts.
It’s been like three days now that the “trump doesn’t know japanese car makers assemble cars in the US” story has been revealed - with little effort - to be biased fake news and yet Jalopnik still reports it as Trump not knowing the facts.
Motorcycle travel is 25 Times more than Car travel. They should be banned - not encouraged.
The least meh car so far. These were fun relative to what else was available for the money, took a lot of abuse and didn’t look awful.
How are dune buggies less safe than a motorcycle?
And when would Americans be demanding them? There is no foreseeable resource shortage for hundreds of years and the agw issue is clearly not one.
Why do we need evs at all?
The tax credit should never have been implemented. It distorted the market and is not necessary for any resource or environmental reason.
Is the author sure It originally had a three cylinder motor?
I wasn’t a truck that drive down the path. It was a radical Islamic terrorist driving a truck down a path.
Baloney. Atheism, progressivism both meet the definition of religion
Radical religion
This is one reason why toyota et al continue to work on fuel cells.
Renewables are not becoming a larger source of power. Coal and NG generation globally is growing far faster.
A Honda Civic is the right answer. Super slick shifting and clutch are a joy to operate. None of the jalopnik residents picked something that is actually fun to shift.
In the near-term fuel cells are infrastructure challenged. In the long term that can be addressed. Battery storage HAS NO infrastructure solution long-term - any significant market share of battery cars is not possible. So Toyota is correct - as they were with hybrids - to stick with fuel cells.
Simply out-dated assumptions. Saudi and the rest of OPEC lost control of the market a few years ago. They tried to get it back buy flooding the market - esp in the GofM and just lost lots of money. The frack industry is far more resilient and much quicer to respond to pricing changes with more production - that isn’t…
And the long-range reserves in the US are small compared to those in Canada and Russia... The world has centuries worth of relatively cheap oil reserves and many centuries worth of very cheap natural gas reserves. Only political unrest or enviro-nazis can put us at risk of higher fuel prices.
Not a sigificant risk - even the vested IPCC keeps downgrading it.
You got a better idea?
Why raise the tax? It hits poor people the hardest and there is no reason for it other than to give the government more money to waste...