He was, but he joined SHIELD in Jim Steranko's Nick Fury series, so he's been a SHIELD agent for most of his existence.
He was, but he joined SHIELD in Jim Steranko's Nick Fury series, so he's been a SHIELD agent for most of his existence.
Is Seven To Eternity any good? I love the covers, and the art looks gorgeous, but I've no idea what it's actually about.
Drake and Premiani's Doom Patrol has an omnibus? I didn't know that.
I agree about Spidey, but I think the Hong Kong scene is a) one of the best scenes in a great movie, and b) HK's probably one of the most Gotham-esque cities in the world. There are cities Batman doesn't work in, but I don't think Hong Kong is one of them.
I think it's notable that they've made five Spider-Man films, and (aside from Harry Osborn) never re-used a villain. And there's still maybe three you could use to carry a movie. (I'd say Kraven, Scorpion or Mysterio could be main villains, and that's not even counting deep cuts like Tombstone, or b-listers like…
I've got a huge soft spot for all those "New York loves Spider-Man" scenes in the movies. The guys on the bridge attacking the Goblin, the subway scene in the second one, the cranes, the firefighters bit. Even the bit in Civil War where he and Cap realise they're both New Yorkers. Not only that, he's a character who…
I actually like both in principle, and I think there's good material in both story threads. I just wish the movie had, you know, picked either one or the other.
Does anyone else not really like the style of the new suit? I'm a bit disappointed they didn't stick with the ASM2 suit, which was basically an exact copy of the traditional comics version. The new one looks a bit bland. I like the moving eyes, though.
Was Silver St Cloud (I'm not sure why you spoilered that…) only chosen because hers is the funniest name to say in an Elmer Fudd voice? "Julie Madison" isn't nearly as inherently funny in a Fudd voice.
I love the Question and Elongated Man endings in 52. The former started my love for both Questions, and the latter, especially, is a great example of making something great out of a bad storyline without just retconning it. Ralph and Sue Dibny, Ghost Detectives!
Yeah, but in an affectionate way. I don't know if you've any younger siblings, but calling someone a gom (or a gombeen) is like the way an American might affectionately call someone a "dumbass" - there's no malice meant.
Look up yer Irish slang! You remind me of my little brother, sometimes.
Yup. At least, for me it's an affectionate nickname. You're an alright guy, 'squ4d. Even if you're a bit of a gom sometimes, I like to know you're doing okay.
You're never alone. You really aren't, 'squ8d. Certainly not 'round here.
Thanks to you too. Yeah, I hope he'll be okay. He's a total sweetheart usually, but the depression's acting up after a family member had a really rough time. I really hope he'll be okay. (When I moved up to Dublin, he was one of the first proper friends I made.)
I didn't really feel the WW2 exhaustion, because when I had a PS2, I had no real interest in WW2 titles. Since getting a PS3 (only two years ago now) I've developed more of an interest, so I'm not really burned out on them. (I've been tempted to pick up "Warfighter", purely because "Frontline" comes bundled with it).
I was a regular on io9 around the time images got banned because of "people" putting up images from porn or "shock sites", on burner accounts. Don't know what the story is with them now, but…
Ach, ní mór duit muinteoir mhaith a fháil!
Earlier this week, I felt like playing blackjack, so I stuck Red Dead Redemption in the PS3 again, and ended up collecting bounties and other post-game stuff. Great fun. Then I got on (yet another) WWII mood, so I threw on Call of Duty 3 again. It's a pretty good game, all-round. I suspect it tends to be the…
It's funny - the idea of learning another alphabet has always intimidated me more than another actual language. Maybe I should try Russian, even just to get my brain used to the idea of another set of letters.