Nora Hemlock

How'd you get on at Irish? I started Irish (on my old phone, so I lost my progress) because I'd fourteen years of Irish in school behind me and I wanted to get back in the groove, but how does it work for someone who's (I assume) coming in cold?

I actually have a (largely unused) account in the same name on Kinja. I could just move over easily enough, but it's going to be an unattractive pain in the hole for most people. I don't think the commenting community's going to be the same, either…

Stay strong, man. I've been through it myself, and I've a friend going through a bad spot right now for the same reasons. Some days, all you can do is to keep making it through today, and let tomorrow worry about itself. You'll be okay.

Story, 'squ8d? What's the craic?

Hey everyone, pay attention! Another jumped-up American wants to lecture you on which opinions you're allowed to have about them!

Yup. Literally just two weeks ago! It's pretty great, and a wonderfully cynical, Nation-esque portrait of the sort of place Skaro was.

I like to think there really is some cranky aul fella out there who still thinks the show went downhill when Troughton took over and has hate-watched it ever since.

What about Kroton?!

Yup. Part of the responsibility is just being the lightning rod for everyone who doesn't like something, too.

Specifically the way Nog says it in the first seasons, with all the undertones only someone who's both a Ferengi and a teenager could summon.

Yeah, I wouldn't mind him coming back to the series for a real team-up episode. But it's not that likely. And I think it'd be disrespectful to do it in such a way that it invalidated all the work he's put into the character on the radio.

That's only technically correct. The worst kind of correct.

Paul McGann's been playing the Doctor regularly since 2002 and racked up about ten seasons of Eighth Doctor Adventures. Those years haven't been "missing" for a long time.

In fairness to the Tenth Doctor, he was also most likely the "youngest" incarnation to regenerate. (Maybe. It's hard to work out how long Nine lasted). He was explicitly only, what, six years in that body? Whereas every other Doctor clocked up at least a hundred years of living before changing.

It's a family show - meaning it should appeal to both kids and adults. Robert Holmes said he aimed to write for "the smart fourteen year old", which I think is a good indication of where the balance point is. The problem is "family programming" is nearly extinct, especially in America, where "family" just became a

It's even stranger to think that the revival's been running twelve years. Twelve years after the original started they were already on Tom Baker. For a ten-year-old watching Doctor Who, Hartnell and Eccleston are basically equal parts of the distant past.

That actually sounds like the Malcolm Tucker Doctor we never really got.

I've wondered about that, and I think he maybe just sorted it out offscreen early in his life. Just clean up the loose end and get on with things, sort of thing.

I wonder if Robert Jezek's busy next year…

I'm sure they'll do just what they did during the Rusty/Moffat changeover and transition to complaining about Chibnall. Making you wonder when, if ever, they actually liked watching Doctor Who.