I love KKBB, but does it count as an action movie in the way this series picks them? Even among Shane Black movies, it's less action-y than say, Lethal Weapon. I remember the jokes, but i can't remember an action sequence.
I love KKBB, but does it count as an action movie in the way this series picks them? Even among Shane Black movies, it's less action-y than say, Lethal Weapon. I remember the jokes, but i can't remember an action sequence.
It'll be for the greater good.
I'm still a little disappointed they're breaking their streak of getting a new, interesting director every time. I really liked Rogue Nation, but no other series has the same conceit and the clout to get interesting directors on board to change things up a little.
I'm curious now whether you genuinely misheard "death" as "depth" or that's just a funny typo. An alien who's only ability is to sense depth would be a weird fit on the bridge of the Enterprise.
Yeah, I think it's just him. And it's more Eric Saward's fault than Colin Baker's.
I never loathe them (though I suppose I might have loathed Colin Baker if "The Twin Dilemma" was my first exposure to him), but I'm always surprised at how much the new Doctor becomes possibly my favourite every time.
One of the things I like about Origins was having far more room to get a good glide going. Around the bridge, especially. City always felt a bit cramped for gliding.
Yeah, when I saw "level up your main skills ten times" and "levelling calculators" if you really want to optimize your build, I mentally checked out a bit. The Fallout system (or any "kill-monsters-and-do-stuff=XP system) is so much easier in comparison.
When I'm not too worried about plot I tend to keep the wiki open next to me and check I'm not inadvertently screwing myself, so I reckon I'm okay in terms of the "accidental underlevelling problem… I think. But I suppose I won't really find out until I'm at much higher levels (right now I'm at five.)
Started reading Ian Fleming's Casino Royale, because despite having liked Bond films since I was a kid, I've never read one. And because I'm slightly obsessive, I started with the modern Young Bond novels… which are actually pretty great. The early Charlie Higson ones moreso than the latter Steve Cole ones, but good…
I was actually thinking "Slapped Actress", but figured nobody would know what I meant. ('cept maybe The Devil And John Berryman, if he wandered by.) That or "How A Resurrection Really Feels".
I love Forbidden Desert! I actually preferred it to Island - once you get the hang of it I think the mechanics are actually a little more intuitive and flexible.
I started Elder Scrolls: Oblivion a week or two back, and I'm still faffing about trying to get into wizard college before I touch the main quest. To be honest, I know about all the problems with the game, so really I'm just messing about becoming a magical assassin superthief rather than saving the world. It's…
I think the jigsaw-puzzle construction was a large part of that. I wasn't sure about it halfway through, but I remember as I got near the end and things started to join up again, I was loving it. I still think much of it is better than the cringe comedy Rita plotline in S3.
He'll just claim it's his identical twin on AD, with his hair shaved off.
Well, when you're the one known for invading people all the time, you start thinking the same will happen to you. Let's call it "Red Dawn Syndrome".
As another Twin Peaks first timer, I'm definitely finding it a lot of fun. That first shot of Bob crouched behind Laura's bed is terrifying, too (though I somehow managed to miss him in the famous accidental mirror shot earlier, and had to go back and spot him.) We finished up season 1 the other day, and are letting…
"Will Batman escape certain death?" has to be the least suspenseful cliffhanger in the world. Of course he survived. Claiming that's a dream or a vision or whatever is seeing things that just aren't there - it's a very clear, classic sort of ending.
Oh yeah, and Hurt.
Master is great, though. Everyone here who hasn't heard Master, go listen to Master! He's also pretty good in Dust Breeding, where he gets an all-time great "I am the Master" reveal.