Following up Malcolm Tucker with the Gene Genie would be something, alright.
Following up Malcolm Tucker with the Gene Genie would be something, alright.
Adrian Lester from Hustle. I'd love to see the Doctor's super-confident, suave man-of-action side played up for a change, and Lester's got the right combination of confident and charming, while also being able to play vulnerable occasionally.
Do you just rate Beevers that high because of Big Finish? Which is fair enough, none of the others got to star in Master. But I can't imagine he'd get there on the merits of Keeper of Traken alone.
That was my first impulse too, but technically the sentence is still valid - the last time there was a Scottish Doctor, he was replaced by a scouser. So odds are it could well be another white Englishman, for which the series is 9/13. It is a credible assumption to make.
I believe it is being reprinted, no? I swear I saw that announced a while back.
Guards! Guards! or Wyrd Sisters are probably the best overall entry points, yeah.
One of my favourite things about the novel, something you don't see in much other epic fantasy, is the sadness. I've never much liked the recurring philosophy of "things used to be better in the Golden Age" that's pervasive in fantasy, but Tolkien actually does get it across on an emotional level. After a war, even…
I've always grouped the first three apart from the rest of the series. It's really only from Mort the Discworld we know is really recognisable. Not that the first three are bad, but they're not the same.
I finished a project to read all the Smiley (and Smiley-adjacent) books, and only recently finished The Secret Pilgrim, but I think I might pick up Night Manager at some point too. If only to see poor Harry Palfrey show up again.
I re-read LOTR when I was about 18-19 in Leaving Cert (and got a lot more out of it than when I tried at 12 or 13, much as I enjoyed it then), then tackled the Silmarillion in college. And you know what? I've never really gone back to high fantasy - there's just not that much to offer me outside the sheer scope of…
I also read Kavalier and Clay and loved it, but I've had YPU sitting on my shelf for about three years now, untouched. One of these days, I suppose I'll get around to it.
To be honest, it wouldn't really be The Crew if it didn't get cancelled right out of the gate, would it?
The first two issues, I think. There's definitely finished, released stories that Marvel haven't reprinted yet.
I think it was Terry Pratchett (or possibly his collaborators on the Science Of Discworld books, Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen) who ridiculed the idea that only aliens could build the pyramids, because ultimately the pyramid is just the iterated development of the heap - it doesn't take an alien to invent "pile stone in…
"But how better for a god to die, Surtur of Muspelheim, than facing fearful odds? And when better to die than with a man's sons beside him? For Asgard!"
"For Midgard!"
"For myself!"
And on that note, when the hell is Miracleman coming back? It's over a year since the last issue came out. After all the talk about bringing it back, they haven't even gotten as far as the original stopping point, let alone reached Gaiman's new stories.
Thanks, now I'm tearing up.
I got the first few issues of Copperhead in a back issues box and I also quite enjoyed it. Is it still pretty good further on?
The Hulk's probably a hard character for anyone to write. There just doesn't seem to be that much you can do with the character.
Well, like I said, I paid a pound for it, so $30 (about €27 in real money) is a pretty good return.