Nora Hemlock

Nice. I've kind of missed the Tom King train (though I plan to read Omega Men eventually), but a new Fourth World book sounds like he and I are converging at exactly the right place. Art looks great too. I should pick up Forager too when I get into the shop again.

Simonson's Thor isn't a nostalgic experience for me either (I wasn't even born when it came out), but what I've read of it is legitimately amazing. Add me to the people who know it absolutely does hold up.

Up and down. Two weeks ago, I spent a week down home, so I got no work. Last week, there was no work going, so I also got no work.

I think you mean with Liz, not Kate. He actually did have a relationship with Kate Corrigan.

I have issue #1 of the Metal Men from 1960, that I got for a pound in London one time. It's in pretty bad shape, so I doubt it's actually worth anything, but it might be worth more than I paid for it! Unfortunately, I haven't actually read it, because I'm afraid it'll come apart if I do. Still, it's a nice thing to

That's a lot of quarters.

The worst thing about this, I think we can all agree, is the terrible "Rise of the <whatever>" title. Are we not done with those yet?

Dave Stewart is the secret star of Hellboy. The colour in those books is amazing.

Paradoxically, the actual cartoon versions were closer to the comics and less like "cartoon versions" than the live-action film versions. I like Doug Jones' attention to different voice work in those - he sounds more like comics Abe would sound, rather than doing film-Abe voice.

I don't know about better, but the two of those and Iron Man the same year sure felt exciting at the time, didn't it?

And the third one would have had Lobster Johnson!

Frank Darabont to direct. He's a massive Hellboy fan since years back.

More likely they mean Nimue, the fairies' "Queen of Blood" from the apocalypse story.

A book burning, that'll show 'em! Jesus Christ. >shakes head<

I remember liking it. Just meat-and-potatoes Batman though, really. And yeah, Made of Wood is great.

We're talkin' 'bout Shaft.

Wasn't Fast Five even rumoured to be the actual script to the nu-Italian Job sequel, reworked?

I actually have four or five (I'd have to check) of the original seven issues of The Crew. That was an interesting book, one that should have had a longer lifespan. Has any other Marvel series ever used Little Mogadishu as a setting?

Because of Connery, I believe. Fleming made him Scottish after seeing Connery in Dr No, not before.

I really want someone to ask him what years the Korean War took place. Just to see if he even knows.