Nora Hemlock

It's probably not as long ago as others', but anyway - a little background first - I only got a PS3 a little over a year ago. We got the first Ratchet and Clank free with our PS2 in about 2004, and my younger brother and I went on to play all four of the PS2-era games.

I love that O'Neil era Batman. It really does have it all. From then to about the late 80s is, to me, the best Batman period. It's got everything you want from Batman in there somewhere.

You should transfer over the sweet X-Wing picture. Is that McQuarrie concept art?

If they're being written by John Byrne (or Chris C), then yeah, everyone's tried mind-controlled villainy at least once. Usually sexy mind-controlled villainy.

Tomas Aira's art looks stunning, don't get me wrong, but it's a shame to lose the absolute murderers' row of talent he had on the first two volumes, with someone new every time. Cam Kennedy, David Lloyd, Carlos Ezquerra, Dave Gibbons… Wow.

On an Ennis note, I ordered his old Battler Britton book the other day. After watching Five Came Back I'm going on a sort of war comics binge. I also collected a bunch of classic EC and DC war comics from a couple blogs (Diversions of the Groovy Kind and the like) to read.

We're doing the same here! We watched the first one last night, having only seen the… I want to say the sixth?… on TV before.

Wasn't he a school science teacher for a while there?

It was great the first time with Dark Phoenix, but somewhere along the way I realized Byrne does the exact same thing to turn a female teammate evil every time. There's some sort of psychotic break, they turn evil, they start to dress sexier, and they start to speak in supervillain-speak instead of their normal

Read Tintin and the Picaros. I knew Hergé's work became both increasingly personal and increasingly self-referential after Tibet, but this one is… pretty odd really. It's nice to see a few characters from The Broken Ear come back, but there's this downbeat mood to the whole thing.

Well, the Doctor has to be British. "White" and "dude" are certainly negotiable, but why would you cast someone non-British in one of Britain's cultural treasures?

I didn't know that, thank you!

Auric Goodfellow, treasurer of HYDRA, versus Auric Goldfinger, treasurer of SMERSH, implies he might have read the novels too. But then it's even more transparent, not less. (ETA: Of course he's reading the novels, he's doing the Leiter series too!)

Sounds likely.

If watching Farscape teaches you anything, it's that ninety percent of all aliens are Australian.

It would be cool to see him do what's basically a Western.

Well, I suppose "young person" being my own age (26), and younger. But I really notice it in teenagers especially.

Depends where you're from, really. I notice (being from Tipp) that 'd's in the middle-class Dublin accent have turned almost completely into 'd's like an American. Dublin friends of mine really do say "lader" like Americans. Whereas most people don't, really.

"How To Talk To Beours At Parties". The Cork man's guide to dating.

It was! I have most of it in single issues, so I was counting it!