I'm not saying it's just an off-brand Dredd film. Just that its take on "Sylvester Stallone plays future lawman" feels more like a proper 2000AD story in spirit and tone than Stallone's Judge Dredd did. It's a pisstake.
I'm not saying it's just an off-brand Dredd film. Just that its take on "Sylvester Stallone plays future lawman" feels more like a proper 2000AD story in spirit and tone than Stallone's Judge Dredd did. It's a pisstake.
"Once Ghost Rider got his own Venom" -
I mean, I still think Quantum of Solace plays more like the epilogue to Casino than a standalone film, and it's the Bourne-iest Craig, but I quite like it anyway.
Yup. Can't argue with facts.
*Looks shifty, whispers*
I'm aware of what 2000AD is! (I even talk about it on another comment on this page.) A friend of mine has actually written a couple of Future Shocks for it in the last two years.
Four films is a tetralogy. Or, if you're an Alien fan, a "quadrilogy". "Quadrology" is a new one to me!
Demolition Man is the closest thing Stallone made to a proper Judge Dredd film. It feels a lot closer in tone to a Mills 'n' Wagner 2000AD story than the actual adaptation. That and Robocop really do nail the difficult balance between wacky and serious (even if they both lean slightly towards opposite ends).
The only worthwhile Captain Britain stories besides the ones with either of the two Alans. Also the only good Pete Wisdom stories not written by Ellis.
My only issue with Ronin is McElhone's accent. That "bejaysis, there's a bomb in me potato" thing is unbearable.
Instead of DC stringing Guillermo del Toro along with "Justice League Dark" (or whatever silly name they want to give it), Marvel should just give him a free hand on whatever C-lister he wants. Let him make a Man-Thing movie or something.
The time Biddy died on Glenroe. There might be two people on here who know what I'm talking about, but trust me, it'd fit right in with your list.
And it's secretly a Blade Runner spinoff/pseudosequel/sidestory what-have-you.
Captain Britain and MI13 teaming up with Blade to fight Marvel Dracula in his moon castle and stop his evil plan to bombard Britain with vampires from the moon would be the greatest thing ever committed to film.
In many ways, yeah. But for the purposes of this column, I don't think it was either action-heavy enough or as influential on later action films. Like Tom says, in some ways it feels more like a throwback rather than the standard going forward.
Geoffrey Beevers only made one on-screen appearance in "The Keeper of Traken", but then went on to do a great job for years as the Master in Big Finish. It'd be nice to get him back for one more on-screen appearance as Crispy Master. Under make-up, the age difference wouldn't even be a factor.
Well, wrote an Alien 3 script. But then so did almost everyone.
I was reading a discussion once about how the Thing might fit into a combined Alien/Predator/etc. universe, and someone pointed out the Alien's hard skin and acid blood might actually be the great equaliser against the Things. A Thing can't infect a xenomorph because the Thing cells can't colonise due to its acidic…
Also, they've already done one where he basically tripped, banged his head and BOOM, Syl McCoy.
That straight-to-camera primer on the Bootstrap Paradox in Flood/Lake was so audacious I loved it.