What Magneto didn't realise was that it wasn't homo sapiens in general that was hellbent on eradicating the mutants, it was just the part of it that works in Marvel editorial.
What Magneto didn't realise was that it wasn't homo sapiens in general that was hellbent on eradicating the mutants, it was just the part of it that works in Marvel editorial.
I'm not reading it myself, but Christopher Priest's current Deathstroke ongoing is supposed to be great. I think the first collected edition came out recently.
Particularly the implication that "God" and the other Lords of Kobol might just be the Creators in yet another iteration of "Creator/Rebellious Creation" cycle.
That one feels like a bit of a footnote to me. It's stuck between two better ones, and it's not even really a spy novel. More a murder-mystery where the characters just happen to be retired spies.
This has been sitting on my Netflix watchlist for weeks now. Maybe I'll make this my excuse to finally sit down and watch it.
They're doing a gig next summer in the BGET in Dublin (I work there regularly as a followspot) and I'm really hoping I'm either spotting, or off so I can sneak up to the spotbox and watch it. Particularly because they're not getting any younger.
I loved the very direct translation of formal and informal Spanish. Noticing people switching form of address adds a great dramatic dimension to the conversation that you just don't get in our all-formal English.
To be honest, I'm not sure historical accuracy was ever really in the room to begin with.
Well, the last-minute jury swap really happened, didn't it?
Billy Drago as movie Nitti has so little in common with the real Frank Nitti (looks, job, death, personality) I honestly don't know why they didn't just give him a different name and make him a totally fictional character. Stanley Tucci in Road To Perdition looks more like the real deal.
You might think it's a long way to the chemist, but that's peanuts compared to space!
One great summer (probably 2001 or '02) my siblings and I watched the entirety of Lightspeed Rescue religiously every day on RTÉ. I have no idea if it's considered any good or not now, and I don't think I'd rewatch it. I'm content to let it live in my memory as great TV.
I spend way too much time there, is the matter.
True, but I think you could compromise, visually. Cut his actual screentime down - use the reflection in the window early on, have him appear on screens instead of in person. Hell, have him send a messenger. The trick to any imperfect special effect is to cheat like crazy around it.
Ah, okay. I'm not American, so I've never actually seen an episode of SNL. And references to classic SNL are about 95% likely to go over my head.
Isn't that basically the concept of the Vader Down comic?
Why does Lucas sound like English gentry from the Thirties? Is he known for saying "That's the ticket!"?
As many others have said, just give Wayne Pygram the shot! He's already done it once in a two-second cameo! And he can do a hell of a villain.
Someone on TV Tropes (I know, I know) reasoned a pretty good explanation for it - she's establishing her story now so that when she's dragged in front of an Imperial Senate hearing on Coruscant, she doesn't contradict herself. She knows he knows she's lying, but he can't prove it was her and the Tantive IV at Scarif.