I want him standing atop a pile of ashes and skulls, clad only in a loincloth woven from his unworthy foe’s toupee.
I want him standing atop a pile of ashes and skulls, clad only in a loincloth woven from his unworthy foe’s toupee.
I actually have my own thoughts on porn, and do believe the mass majority of “popular” porn is degrading to women. I do not enjoy it. But here’s the thing- I just choose not to watch it. I don’t make laws out laying others to partake. If it is legally produced, all actors are of age and legally consenting, well...…
Indeed. Like damn lady, if it isn’t your best friend or immediate family, just chill. Sure it’s a little rude, but so is Facebook stalking.
Shame on Colbert and the Emmy’s for this. This douchebag shouldn’t get a redemption tour.
Unless your redemption tour involves calling Bobby Mueller and telling his team everything, then shouting those same things from the rooftops and via every news organization, you are not redeemed, you have not served your penance, and you do not get a cookie. Oh, you let people laugh at your expense, that’s nice. Come…
Yeah, it may also be my PTSD. But having Spicer there and everyone so excited and laughing at him made me have the exact same feeling I had when people would dismiss how horrible my abusive father was to me and my family. People would always find ways to minimize what he did and act as if he was just a good guy who…
I agree but insanity is not usually the issue, I’ve been in 25 years and I’m baffled daily by seemingly intelligent people in the military who don’t understand that defending what Kaep is doing is one of the main reasons the military exists to begin with. Anyone who uses the flag, the anthem, the military, the police…
It’s not lazy its efficient, SHS does not have to turn her head as much, like a chameleon or preying mantis.
Sue Paterno, once had told the head coach that Sandusky’s wife, Dottie Sandusky, “told her Jerry doesn’t like girls.”
I have no dog in this race, but I don’t know why Seattle would make the decision to pass this plan rather than run.
Any suggestion that a candidate is more or less qualified for political office based on their skin color alone
On Tuesday she got a good dressing down in a statement from the state Republican party chair:
Or the white and grey parts are legs, and the black triangle is the dick that can only REALLY come between them after sharing some deep poetry?
And their flag. They made a flag.
That’s what I’ve never understood. What they’re describing is completely normative, stereotypical sexuality — at least as it’s been constructed and enforced for women, forever (even including the idea of not being primarily motivated by physical appearance) — and, as you point out, is based on a wildly exaggerated…
As a gay person, I HATE DEMIS. They are the worst. They constantly yell over actually LGBTQ people while almost entirely consisting of cis, straight people.
For real. Yesterday someone on MSNBC was talking to a man from the national guard, they were broadcasting the call. The reporter asked if the national guard guy had any important messages to convey- his answer was, “DON’T SHOOT. If people are in stores taking food and supplies, they are in survival mode, and we’re…
And it’s not like the store’s insurance is going to do anything but total the entire contents of the store rather than nickel and diming, looking for every can of tomato sauce and copy of In Style that can still be sold.