
Is the joke that Baby Boomers are worthless and only become tough on the Internet? Because that seems like the joke you are trying to make.

If you lose a fight that you start, are you a victim?

It’s 2019. If you and a friend try to punch a person (male or female), you may get beat up in response. You can’t have it both ways.

Sonny Bono was under almost certainly under the influence when he died. As was Michael Kennedy.

Yakitori is delicious. Maybe she can get a sponsorship deal out of this.

That’s gang rapist Random Task to you!

Which part? Warren is one of the five most influential scholars on commercial law over the last 15 years.

One of the ten most famous in the world. 

Other States’ athletic commissions will honor the NSAC suspension. Other countries may not, but the UFC would, making that moot (as both fighters are under exclusive contract to the UFC).

He’s an Olympic-level wrestler. It makes no sense.

The Hawtness. What a legend. Now paralyzed by pro wrestling.

Is the wine comment about the drunk English chav who was lying about everything and started a fight with customs? That’s probably not the best example to give to prove your point. Chavs gonna chav.

I’m not a genetics expert, but how are those his kids?

Good luck! Nellie carries a four inch blade on his person at all times.

I think it was around this time. I didn’t think it was reduction, more a tuck to make the pec look more symmetrical. You can definitely tell the different from Rocky to the Rock.

I’m really surprised the author didn....

It’s like PFTCommenter without the wit and intelligence. So just PFT.

Not unlike Chinese money in the 90s. Clinton was awash in it, but the Republicans weren’t going to make it public because...SURPRISE!.. they were too!

This is fake. You are fake. Fake is boring.

And education. Education. Education.