“But households with incomes up to $203,540 can claim the full credit, while families with incomes up to $243,540 can claim some portion of it. Households with an income of $200,000 represent the top six percent of American families.”
“But households with incomes up to $203,540 can claim the full credit, while families with incomes up to $243,540 can claim some portion of it. Households with an income of $200,000 represent the top six percent of American families.”
His ass?
There are probably a good number of center or center-right comedians who are very funny. They just know that conservative politics, by its very nature, is not humorous.
Daniel Bryan went away as a wrestler. Came back as a wrestler. Became somehow boring!?!?!
So he’ll vote for policies that weaken OPEC as a cartel? What other non-sequitars can you folks come up with?
If revenue is up $500B. And the national debt is up roughly $500B. Is spending up $1T in two years?
“Wage stagnation is a real issue as wages in real terms has not kept up over the past 20 years.”
Ford and Carter began the painful process of implementing policies which started getting inflation under control. Inflation that was largely brought on by Nixon’s policies (indefinite price controls will do that in an otherwise inflationary system). Saying otherwise is ignoring history.
“Which saw three Presidents Nixon, Ford, and Carter all fail to address the problem.”
Ah, the Penn State defense. Sure, they were part of and perpetuated the environment that led to predatory behavior to thrive for decades, but they really are blameless! There are no other schools in the country that can service their educational needs as well as MSU.
You want an article on Impact Wrestling? Are you kidding me?
And the overall most gifted professional wrestler in the history of the business selling 10 million t-shirts at every boardwalk and county fair.
“The writer ends the article saying Becky can’t come. Back soon enough Becky started smackdown with a promo and the opening match.”
“I ask these things in all honesty, not with snark.”
That think piece was either written by someone who has no experience with the working poor (or none working poor) or is being disingenuous.
1) That’s not what he said. That was what you heard, but not what he said.
“The most profound criticism I’ve read on Tidying Up with Marie Kondo has centered around economic privilege. To have things to even consider dumping, you need to be able to afford frivolity. ”
I too think there is way too much corporate accountability.
Hate to break it to you, but this isn’t limited to stupid white women. Idiocy on the internet doesn’t see race.
I’m somewhat surprised he hasn’t been shipped to Istanbul yet. Hell, we let Turkey’s dictator dictate American foreign policy, why not criminal justice as well?