
I didn't notice anything off, but I wasn't looking either.

Carpe Diem, seize the carp

a patty is a flat circle inside a flat circle with flat circle tomatoes and pickles and a SQUARE CHEESE DAMMIT

Morty had a kid, though. That's when I gave up on that show.

Concerning the latina stuff: I wasn't offended, but I wasn't laughing either.

Review was too mean for me. Nathan for You teases about being too mean, but it's just too funny to not watch.

tread lightly.

as effective as a teaser trailer

Swanson was awesome this ep. I mean, he's always awesome, but he was balanced this time. Also, I like that Breaking Bad reference waaay more than I should have.

for balance between heart and laughs, i'd say Parks and especially Bob's Burger do it better.

If you love this, I recommend The Thick of It and In the Loop.

I have to watch this show with subtitles otherwise I miss too many jokes.

I have to watch this show with subtitles otherwise I miss too many jokes.

I couldn't be more excited for this.

This episode was pure gold.

Marnie's "He made me" was the funniest moment in a hilarious episode

N-word turtles!

I love this show, but if Bever's never showed up again I'd love it even that much more. I understand the character is supposed to be detestable, but with his character less is more.

I liked The Master more. He needs to go back to his roots.

This show is crushing it.