
Did I miss something in previous episodes about McGDougall being in love with Geillis? I thought he was still all hot and bothered over Claire….For that speedy exposition alone I'd knock this ep.grade down to B. ( but willing to up it to B+ because of the KNOCKOUT costumes and opening scene …and the wry post-duel

That scene encapsulated perfectly what I love about the Americans - how intently you have to watch EVERY SINGLE MINUTE of the show because of how much is conveyed on such a subtle level; a gesture, a glance…. just brilliant blocking/timing. I personally prefer these more slowly-paced episodes, because you can

My favorite moment of all: The very last scene - Paige wandering out of her parents' bedroom, a bit dazed, but returning suddenly to close the door, allowing them to continue their conversation privately….andshutting down the intended conversation as well. "Bouillabaisse of emotions" indeed!

Agree with the A- , mainly because of the awkward way they used Lincoln in this episode. He seemed to spend most of it hovering around the main characters and looking fierce.
Otherwise, riveting as usual…threw out a couple of b-bombs when Lexa did her 18

Most of the comments here ring true for me, but I for one would like to highlight the Jaha storyline as one with great potential; a mystical version of the quintessential hero's quest, stemming from a basic human drive (faith/yearning for a divine truth) that is as powerful if not even more so than bloodlust.
It's a

Fantastic couple of episodes, my favorite in the entire series in fact, because of the complexity of issues and viewpoints shown. On a personal note, I feel like American culture has swung too far in favor of heavy handed proceduralism in this sort of situation - no room for ambiguity / mutual ( albeit not necessarily


So strange. This view of the episode is exactly the opposite of what I experienced. Would definitely have flipped the grades between ep. 1 and 2. I was laughing all the way through the season premiere, but almost all the jokes/ plot lines this episode felt forced and obvious, right down to Gina "bone bro" slapping