What the hell kind of a shirt is that?! Long sleeve? Short?! ;]
What the hell kind of a shirt is that?! Long sleeve? Short?! ;]
I never had a problem with his edits or additions but I do wish he'd release the untouched versions of his films as well :o
Oh, the things this will do for driving ;]
Who buys these things?! They're so creepy :x
Yeah, I purchased it instantly once it popped up in my email xD
By far one of my all time favorite series.
Not sure but doesn't Sprint have an ASL (Account Spending Limits) fee such as this?
Yeah—-not gonna vote for any of these @.@
Although I really enjoyed Portal 2, a part of me still wished it took place in the outdoor world, maybe with Chell being chased around making it like a Mirrors Edge with a portal gun :D
Why can I feel all the lies behind everything he's saying? This guy is the sole definition of a douche bag. Everything he wrote in this "apology" is just a mask for the dude to hide behind. I also wish they confronted him about the website that's made up of 98% content from other sites as well as the whole steroids…
That's a risk anyone and everyone takes when going online. You gotta deal with the consequences of the choices you make.
Just found this reddit post that states OM's been copy-pasta-ing :O
Wow. I'm actually angry at this douche bag. I rarely ever get angry D:<
They sell bottled sex?! :O
Had to come back to this article to state that this is by far my favorite Gizmodo headline.
In my opinion, you can't have too many people clashing on projects. Yes, the different point of views can be good at times, but when they clash back and forth, it's just chaos. Some of my favorite work is that which I myself build from the ground up. I think that's the way many designers see it too :o
I go through the same thing as a Graphic & Motion designer but instead of just one image, it can be 1-3min's worth of footage and at God knows how much fps. It's especially tough when you have so many people clashing minds, hovering behind you at random moments, and changing their minds every hour or so.
This video has now made me a vegetarian :D
Amazon has made it so I now know my UPS guy well enough to buy him a Christmas gift.
$5 is way too cheap for just the intro/outro animation itself @.@