
I have family and friends in the Army right now and I guess I can see why this may shake up some people but I rarely hear them say anything towards movies and/or books based on the same thing. I know that the whole "you get to play as the enemy" controversy can come up but the thing is that it's all a choice.

This expansion better cause an update for The Passing ._.

Now playing

Well the live-action part was done before by metroid ;] Although i'll admit it does take from the halo one it seems.

That first guys face went from:

Now we need a video of them capturing leprechauns with those nets.

@Courteous_Gentleman: Since he beat the crap out of here. People love people they can pity.

I want one of these in my room.

Great detailed review. Just what I needed in order to pick this game up :D

@Aristeia: I'm surprised they didn't fix that =IO And also it would of been just as great if it was 35sec-1min x.x

@TheAlp: Imagine waking up next to that o.o

I'm normally the guy who avoids hitting possums by my friends house but now that I think about it...wouldn't it be better to hit the Kangaroo over risking a roll-over with your kids in the vehicle?

But the whole point of it is the 3D, using something different. Remember with the Wii? They weren't trying to sell the system because of graphics as much as motion controls.

This really makes me wish there were a lot more Ghibli movies for me to watch x.x

@shevralay: I run a tumblr but I have to say that reblogging has become so overused on the platform. I know many people who run blogs that are made up of nothing more but reblogs. I myself have never really found anything worth reblogging on there but after a while it's sad seeing people do it.

Gonna get some TF2 in as always. Here's hoping I can get enough items to craft a good hat for once -_-;

@John Steele: Since the machine I was on was compromised, I had to go on through my laptop and change all my accounts passwords via digital keyboard. Most anti-virus don't detect keyloggers so i'm wiping the computer just to make sure.

I actually found 2 IP's from China connected to my gmail account 5 days ago. Turns out there was a keylogger in a 6 month year old add-on folder for WoW. Ugh.